Minutes - 19880707
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19880707
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s~ ,~. <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE GOUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />JULY 7, 1988 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners held a Special Meeting on July 7, <br />1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the courtroom of the old Post Office, Chapel Hill, North <br />Carolina for the following purposes: <br />1. Adopt resolution authorizing submission of application for issuance <br />of bonds to the Local Government Commission. <br />2. Hire Bond Counsel. <br />3. Make final decisions on amount and projects to be included in a bond <br />issue. <br />4. Continuation items from the July S regular meeting. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Shirley E. Marshall and Commissioners Moses <br />Carey, Jr., Stephen Halkiotis, John Hartwell and Don Willhoit. <br />ATTORNEY PRESENT: Geoffrey Gledhill. <br />STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Assistant County Managers <br />William T. Laws and Albert Kittrell, Clerk to the Board Beverly A. Blythe and <br />Finance Director Ellen Liston. <br />The meeting was called to order by Chair Shirley E. Marshall. <br />BOARD COMMENTS <br />_-._ , <br />;. <br />Commissioner Willhoit questioned verbiage on the Notice of Intent which <br />;; , <br />made reference to the one million dollar water bonds which indicated in the <br />purpose for residents of said County and one or more other public entities." =.=:.~~ <br />Ellen Liston explained that it is possible that the County would not be the <br />only one operating the water system and the bond counsel felt it important to <br />Leave this option open. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill further explained that the water could ultimately end up <br />being transferred out of Orange County through OWASA or the City of Durham. <br />If the reservoir was ever hooked up to the Hillsborough system, and because of <br />the pipeline agreements that exist or could exist the water could move other <br />places through public entities with OWASA being one and the City of Durham <br />being another. At the present time there is a line that runs between OWASA <br />and Hillsborough both ways and there could be in the future a line that runs <br />between Hillsborough and Durham both ways. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Betty White, Vice President for public and Governmental Affairs for the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce read a position paper from the budget <br />committee. The committee supports the proposed thirty million dollar bond <br />issue but suggested that the funds be allocated to provide a larger amount for <br />the schools because of the urgency of their needs. Twenty five million is <br />recommended for the schools with Chapel Hill-Carrboro receiving fifteen <br />million and Orange County ten million. Four million was suggested for county <br />facilities for the Tax and Records Building and Southern Human Services <br />Building and one million for reservoir land acquisition. <br />
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