Orange County NC Website
ianutas of the Coasnissi ones of Oren_e County .L l{' <br />February 9,19 <br />,a Hoerd, net a.t vhe usuel 'r. my++,?resent:. Copra se ioncrs Han F. <br />Sit son and &abcrt G. Lav s, Collier Cob^, Jr. baine uneole to at- <br />tend.Hen F~ lS_~lson actec. es Cixei+'nsn, <br />i;-..:m tes e` Ja.nuery meeting c!ere re e.d anti e^pr o±rec.. <br />::ass v7ood erd Hyers, Hone Dsnonstr e.t ton A-ent nave her ^on to;/ report <br />ct_i ch c:as etnrovee and ori~er ed filed. <br />i:r. S. A. Jci, ass 0n, trustee, o' Ora.nre Coun tp Roac S_,•.+.^= Fu nd,riler, <br />r enort as of De c~=mbar 31,19ES,sio"ring total'FUnd of $106,2=-, 15. <br />E, i.i. Lynca, Clerk of Su?erior Court, a_caear ed before tte Hosrd enc. <br />ores enk,~.d ~s annual re?ort, wi?i ch rras egJrovea a.rd or dereci filed. in <br />pe~ort 'i: o~ ~, at page 151. <br />Don s. i-:ath es on, Oren-s Caur:ty Farm A^en t, a0neared. bsf ore ti:e 30rrd. <br /> renor ted. t::at Dr, 3eard hed. contractec for 1000 Oran^e County ulge <br />to 'oa us ad in exneri."..casts r!i t:^. C^ol era Seru!~, Also thet v:do Orznre Count;r <br />?erasers r:'ere e:cper ime rtine this veer, on a nevi t$ne of cril t-r esis tent <br />tonacco, <br />i•.~^n .^..oti nn o' Coacisei0aer Lacs ant o::=_ly psseec. it vas or- <br />rered t.,~t ±ncreas es in aid to t e cline, ue 211oered. as fol logs; <br />Hansa Hooby-iron p15. 00 to 820.00 <br />Leo Crites- Gros $15.00 to ;50.00 <br />ttie '~"Does- " >'12. 00 to S1o.00 <br />P 011;7 I'rr eon " 517.50 to i?=0.00 <br />Cn mctl on of Commi_=1 :per L_ic s, end unanimcu ely pss=ed, it tree or- <br />dered that tY.e County Accou rt ant in vest the 516, C00 re cei cad from i nsur- <br />enee company 'oy eey o_* paymsnt for fir= loss of Or=.nga Grnva schc ol hou se <br />!n United St ete= Government nego t?e ble 'bond S, eenrf nq 2~v in ere st, met- <br />urlnz 1956-59, end being designated ass se rigs ~. <br />Furthar ordered That tha County Ac c oup ta.nt im,a st tha cum of 51 2,Or0 <br />to be tak=n from the 127 =urp].u=_ = ccou nt Sn Un?ted Stetes Grv ernme nt <br />Negotiable bond=, baarine toter=st at the re to of 2x n', enF. meturt.n2 io56-59 <br />and 'ce Sna deef rasa ted as Se rtes , <br />On motion of Commission=.r L?cr=, and unenimously adopted, tt ?__ ord arad~ <br />t rat the -hove 'ponds o= nl sesd fn l ock bcr. in the H.111sbo ro Hranch, Durham <br />Henk E, Trust Comnan y, Ht it sbo rc, N. C., and thet the control of sai d 'oor <br />be carried 1ol nt ly Sn the name of G , `... Aay, County Ac you nt ar,t, end G., G. <br />HLvin s, County Treasurer. <br />LIST CF JUixOnS PkA':4N FGH 1$I sCR TEiir, OF 6UPEnICH CCUHT. <br />1.-J, I. Sears Cks.. 19. Deter E111ngton 0. H,. <br />2. Jack De'o cs FFo. 20.. L. '. Cooper S, <br />j, Cox "7f lklnson C, G. 21. 'sf. J G!annine C, H. <br />k. `.'i, Eva rett Syk a=_ B, 22, -°•o Bert >, `ton=. C. H. <br />5, t+ade 1:!orr?= H, 2j. J. Li, Cerr Hb. <br />6, Cha rl t? Higg=_ FFO. 2L. Osc er J, Co `: in C, H. <br />7. I. J. t%ii son H'o, 25, Cherles F', ifllner ~.. H, <br />S. Tin ey Gr aettt Ho. z6. V. C, '::%slters Cks. <br />o.. 0. H. Cook Eno c7.. Tom ~, Lloyd C, H. <br />10, H- A, Jackson H'o. 2S, Oec ar cscFarll ny- C. H. <br />11. L. _, Thomas G H. po, J, rg, LSask Enr <br />12. J, D- i-.phem Cks. j0, p, C, Collin=_ Has. <br />lj. C. ~, LseD ada C. G, jl. Pri llism S, Hassel C H. <br />ln, C1 t~de Haye ,~ C, H, j2.. E, L, ,.'oho =_on C. H, <br />15, Jane=_ F, Cheek E, 3j, St easy Nev111a C, H. <br />l0`,. ~, Vaughn C, H.. gL•, Franklin C. Er?ck:ron C H. <br />17 , A, P.1 ten Hb. 35, J. L.. L~ockhe rt Ho.. <br />~~ <br />1B, J H. Faucet is C.. H. 3F, J. H. !Se rri tt C. H, <br /> <br />