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<br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />_ . MARCH 1, 19 8 8 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />Tuesday, March 1, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the courtroom of the Old Courthouse, <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Shirley E. Marshall and Commissioners John <br />Hartwell, Stephen Halkiotis and Don Willhoit. <br />BOARD MEMBER ASSENT: Moses Carey, Jr. <br />ATTORNEY PRESENT: Geoffrey Gledhill. <br />STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John M. Link, Jr., Assistant County <br />Managers William T. Laws and Albert Kittrell, Clerk to the Board Beverly A. <br />Blythe, Interim Finance Director Ken Chavious, Planning Director Marvin <br />Collins, Planner Emily Crudup, Housing and Community Director Tara Fikes, <br />Tax Collector Johnny Horner, Purchasing Director Pam Jones, Tax Assessor <br />Kermit Lloyd and Health Director Dan Reimer. <br />A. BOARD AND MANAGER COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to a report about proposed <br />minimum standards for local confinement facilities and expressed concern <br />about several items in the document. He asked that the County Manager <br />report back to the Board on the status and the impact it may have on the <br />facility in the County and the budget implications from that impact. <br />He commented about a safety situation at the corner of N.C. 57 and <br />_.._.~57 in Caldwell. He has talked with DOT and they have assured him that a <br />report will be done and available in about two weeks with a recommendation <br />'.yn what can be done to that intersection. He asked that the County Manager <br />~.rollow up with contacting Mr. Watkins of DOT when the report is received. It <br />was the consensus of the Board that some action needs to be taken to resolve <br />the dangerous traffic situation that presently exists. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked that items F3 and F5 be removed from <br />the consent agenda. These items were placed as items G11 and G12. <br />He noted that the regional Solid Waste Task Force met and that <br />public hearings on the consultant's report will be held on April 26 and <br />April 27. (times and places to be announced) <br />Commissioner Willhoit announced that he will be representing the <br />Association of County Commissioners on a new task force dealing with tobacco <br />and smoking. They will meet on Saturday, March 5 in Washington, D.C. If <br />any one has any special concerns, please let Commissioner Willhoit know <br />before the meeting. <br />Commissioner Hartwell referred to a request for a Fire Marshall. <br />The request was brought to the Social Services Board by Briarwood Rest Home. <br />They have been closed because of violations and feel that a Fire Marshall <br />could have assisted in giving guidance for meeting state requirements. .H <br />County Manager John Link made five (5) changes to the agenda: <br />(1) Correct the date under the second recommendation on page 6 to <br />April 1.9, 1988. (McLennan's Farm) <br />(2) Add a report (E4) from Recreation and Parks Director Mary Anne <br />Black. <br />(3) Remove F4 (Topographic Mapping) from the Consent Agenda and <br />place as item Gla for receipt of additional information. <br />(4) Add Item G9 - Lake Orange Road Right-of-Way. <br />(5) Add Item G10 - Efland Sewer System Right-of-Way. <br />B. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />