Minutes - 19430802
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19430802
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~iJ~ 'Sinute oP the Commissioners of Orenge County <br />L'.ondey August 2,1943 <br />Meeting celled to order by Chairman at 10:C0 d clock A. SS. ,present <br />C oilier Cobb, Jr. ,Chairman, Commissioners Ben F. N11 son and Hubart G. <br />Laws. <br />'Linut es oP July mee ting were read and approved. <br />Upon motion bill oP S. P, Lockhart for turkeys kilted by doge <br />wee approved, as Pollowe <br />3 hens ® $3,00 each-----v9.0p <br />5 young turkeys 9 $1.00 5,00 Total 514.00 <br />Li1ss Noodard Byere,Home Demonstration Agent reported on Curb <br />Merket sales for the month of July, whinh show an increase over July <br />1942 oP $1,308,80, <br />Ruby C. Carrafley,Slegro Home Demons tretion Agent reported on her <br />activities Por the months of June and July. <br />Upon motion oY Commisei over Viilson, duly seconded 'oy Commies inner <br />Laws and all members voting in the affirmative, it is hereby ordered <br />that A. H. Graham be paid a Pee oY $50.00 for services rendered in <br />Case of Orange County v9 S. Carl Forrest. <br />Upon motion, Bond of Cerl C- Davis, Orange County Tax Collector <br />was anproved,subJect to tho approval of the County Attorney. <br />Upon ;:lotion oP Commissioner Nil son,duly seconded 'oy Commiesloner <br />Laws and unanimously passed that lV. T. c(attox,Superintendent oP Puolic <br />'AelPare be Wald five cents per mile for the use oP hie automobile for <br />all necessary driving done in Orange County, other than driving from <br />Chanel H111 to Hillsboro oPYlce. _ <br />In compliance with order oP July meeting, the Clerk to this Board <br />ores ented list oP Tax Payers who hed paid their 19e2 taxes. After care- <br />Pu11y checking these names,The Boerd hereby orders nerves places in <br />Jury Box No.l. <br />'_!r. fl. T. Liett oa,BUperinte ndent oY Public itelPare,nresented list <br />oY annlicanta Por O.A.A. and A, D. C, who have been socented and re~e cted <br />or otherwise disposed of during the months oY Lfey, June and July. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Nil eon, duly seconded by Commie si oner <br />Laws, and all members voting in the effirmative, the following resolut io <br />levying taxes for the year 1943-1944 is edopted as Poll ofla: <br />on each soli the sum oP ~2, 00 <br />On each :emale dog the sum of 2.00 <br />On each male dog the sum oP 1,00 <br />For General County Purposes the sum of .1465 <br />For Puolic Health Purposes the sum oP ,0335 <br />For Superior Courts end Jail the sum aP .0225 <br />For Generel County Deot Service the ewm o P ,20'7 <br />For School Current nxnenee the evm of .152 <br />For School Cen ital Outlay the sum of .0625 <br />For School Debt Service the sum oP .146 <br />For NeiPare Service the sum of .it <br />The above making a county wide total rete of 88¢ on the e¢ch <br />51gp. q0 valuation oP property, <br />In addition to the above levies, the maximum amounts of taxes <br />ellowed to 'oe levied under Schedule B oP the Revenue Act of '_'?~^,as <br />emend ed, are hereby levied, except ea to filling stations end automobile <br />dealers, in r:hlch cese no tax is levied.'yith this exception the county <br />tax collector is hereby authorized and instructed to collect the maxim- <br />um texes as provided by said State Aevenue Act. <br />Continued on next page <br />
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