<br />:sinutes of the Commies loners oY Orange County
<br />'Sonday June 7,19x3
<br />The Board met at the usuel hour Sn the t`.eyor's Office in
<br />Hillsboro,H. C,Pre se nt Collier Cbob,Jr, ,Chalrmen,Commiseioners
<br />Ben F. ftllson and H. G, Lane.
<br />1lnutes of Bfa,Y meeting were read and approved.
<br />Unon motion of Commies loner Lans,duly aedonded by Commie stoner
<br />'H11son,it is hereby ordered that Eugene Lens, be granted,Yree, a
<br />Peddler's Licene e, to sell "Xatkins Products, in Orange County for
<br />the year ending iday 30,194x.
<br />Unon motion, appllcetl on oY P. A. ISerritt for Lloense to retail
<br />leer at his place of business on Chapel Hill-DUrhem Highrvay was
<br />aporoved,
<br />i.ir. f. E. t91111ama and George Poniros,nresented a netition,
<br />requesting that a road be laid out in Eno Township,bzglnning near
<br />Eno River and crossing the lands of Duke Poner Company,Link, Leloo
<br />LfcDermott, George Poniros end iL ~E. 191111ems.
<br />In view of the provisions oY 0ection 3835 of the Cone of ideted
<br />9 tatues, this "ooard is of tl;e opinion that St has no ~urisdictlon
<br />over this mat ter.The netition Ss therefore ordered returned to
<br />i.1r. C, 9. Hammond,Attorney for petitioners.
<br />iSisa Ernestine 6refton;Tri-County LS'brarien, made her annuel
<br />report to the Board on the Orange County Publ le Library.9he also
<br />presented prop oeed Hudget"Por 19831944, in which the County wee
<br />eeked to anpronrieEe $1,000.00 ee compared wl th 'S0J, U0 Por the
<br />year 1942-43.
<br />She stated this increase wes made neoe aesary by the withdrawal
<br />of W. P,A aid,in the form oP clerical workers, also the ehortege of
<br />gee of ins forces the county library to continue the carrying of bo
<br />throughout the county. She stated that ges of ins ratlonine for 'oook
<br />mobiles was granted on the b¢eis that one 'oookmobile tr In will el
<br />Spate the use of Snm:merable private care.
<br />The Hoard sasur ed i41 ss Grafton that this request would receive
<br />their careful consld eratlon.
<br />Upon motlon,b111 of George V. Lucae,Por four <,oats killed "oy dog,
<br />:Mies apnr oeed for peyment, to the aIDOUnt of ts"f1,1~0
<br />Unon motlon,'oill of idrs. H. F, Lucas,YOr fourteen zoats killed
<br />by doge was apnr oved for neyme nt, to the amount of X14.00.
<br />Iir, Don S, tdabheson,Crange County Farm Agent, reported that he
<br />had received 14 cars of Government 7lheat, which had 'Deep sold to the
<br />fermers oY the county Yor feeding their livestock, He also stated
<br />thet The Farmers Eschanae hed voted to ouild a modern Rendering
<br />Plant Sn connection with their Slaughter House ,:vhich will enable
<br />them to seve valuable ingredients for Wool try feed end fets to be
<br />used in the manufecture of explosives.
<br />ISiss Wooderd Byers, Home Demons tratl on Agent,renorted on Curti
<br />'iarket sal es,:vhich show decided increes es o9er sales of same period
<br />3 ast year.
<br />Ruby 0. Carraway, l7egro Home Agent,reported on her activities
<br />for the month oY hay. Report pas annroved and ordered filed.
<br />Lf. C. Burt, Negro Farm Agent made his monthly renor t, which :vas
<br />annroved and ordered Piled.
<br />The Hoard of Publ to 9felYere met Sn Joint session with the Hoerd
<br />of Commissioners and a_n_nroved the 1943-1988 ',Velfare Budget of
<br />x`12, 730.00.
<br />Request of Uzz ell 7dotor Comneny of Durhem, iJ. 0. thet veluetion
<br />on care stored in Orange County ,'be reduc ed,was, upon mot lon,refused.
<br />There 'oe 1n2 no Pur they 'business ,anon motion ad Journed.
<br />Collier Cobb,Jr. ,Chairman
<br />J. E. Laws
<br />Clerk to Boerd
<br />