Orange County NC Website
1~ ~ <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />APRIL 7, 1986 <br />The orange County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting on <br />April 7, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. in the Superior Courtroom of the orange <br />County Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Don Willhoit and Commissioners <br />Shirley Marshall, Moses Carey, Ben Lloyd and Norman Walker. <br />ATTORNEY PRESENT: Geoffrey Gledhill. <br />STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Kenneth R. Thompson, Assistant <br />County Managers Albert Kittrell and William T. Laws, EMS Director Bobby <br />Baker, Finance Director Gordon Baker, Clerk to the Board Beverly A. <br />Blythe, Deputy Finance Officer Ken Chavious, Planning Director Marvin <br />Collins, Health Director Jerry Robinson,. Planner Susan Smith, Financial <br />Analyst Donna Wagner, and Personnel Director Beverly Whitehead. <br />BOARD COMMENTS <br />None <br />AUDIENCE COMMENTS <br />1. MATTERS ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br />Chair Willhoit clarified that item H-11 "Mobile Home <br />Regulations" is not a public hearing but was placed on the agenda to <br />receive written comments from those objecting to this ordinance and to <br />then refer it back to the Planning Board for further study. After <br />several comments from the audience and Baard members it was decided that <br />public comment would be entertained at the appropriate time on the <br />agenda. <br />2. MATTERS NOT ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br />None. <br />Chair Willhoit suggested that items C "Minutes" and D <br />"Appointments" be moved to the end of the meeting; that item H-19 <br />"Paramedic Contract with Memorial Hospital" be moved to the consent <br />agenda; that items G-7 "Proposed Budget Amendments" and H-13 "Burnside <br />Preliminary Plan" be deferred to the next meeting and that item I <br />"Executive Session on Property Matters" be deleted. <br />E. PUBLIC HEARINGS (A complete copy of the presentation is in the <br />permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office). <br />Chair Willhoit announced that because of the proposed budget cuts <br />under the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings bill the County will face a difficult <br />year. In anticipation, two public hearings will be held in an attempt <br />to assess the total impact of these proposed cuts on the budget. One <br />will be held tonight and one on April 22. <br />County Manager Ken Thompson gave an overview of the presentation <br />which included (a) potential federal cuts resulting from the Gramm <br />Rudman- Hollings Amendment to the Congressional Budget impoundment <br />Control Act of 1974 and (b) an update on the financing plan for school <br />capital projects. <br />Finance Director Gordon Baker expounded on the proposed cuts and <br />their impact on Orange County. <br />