Minutes - 19860114
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19860114
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17 <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />JOINT PLANNING AREA PUBLIC HEARING <br />JANUARY 14, 1986 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in joint session <br />with the Chapel Hill Town Council, the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and <br />the Orange County Planning Board at 7:30 p.m. in the Cultural Arts <br />Auditorium at Chapel Hill High School for the purpose of holding a <br />.public hearing on a proposed Land Use Plan for what is termed the <br />""Joint Planning Area." <br />ORANGE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair. Don Willhoit and <br />Commissioners Shirley Marshall, Moses Carey, Ben Lloyd and Norman <br />Walker. <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD PRESENT: Chair Alice Gordon and <br />members Chris Best, Barry Jacobs, Betty Margison, Margaret Miller, <br />Sharlene Pilkey, David Shanklin, Carl Walters, and Steve Yuhasz. <br />Mayor of Carrboro Jim Porto spoke clarifying Carrboro's role in <br />the Joint Planning Process. He noted that over a year ago Carrboro <br />had met with the Commissioners and expressed their whole-hearted <br />support for the concept of Joint Planning. At that time, it was <br />Carrbora's feeling there were some problems with the administration <br />of the Joint Planning process as presented and choose at that time <br />not to participate in the administrative review procedures. Their <br />position at that time was "if the County wants to administer our <br />ordinances, that's fine; if they want us to administer our own, we'll <br />do that in the joint process". They did not feel it was practical to <br />run developers through the joint review process. Tn no way was that <br />intended to mean that Carrboro was opting out of the Joint Planning <br />process. They felt, then and now, that the most important thing is <br />the map that is drawn in the areas that are being talked about. <br />Carrboro is here to reaffirm its commitment to Joint Planning of <br />about two weeks ago with the Commissioners. There are concerns about <br />where the boundary is being drawn between the Chapel Hill planning <br />area and the Carrboro planning area. The boundaries that are set now <br />are the boundaries that we will be working with from now on. He <br />continued noting that 50% of al.l the developable land in the Carrboro <br />planning area is in the watershed. We are committed to protecting <br />the watershed for the entire county. He asked that everyone <br />recognize what sacrifices Carrboro is having to make to protect water <br />for everybody. He reaffirmed that Carrboro does support Joint <br />Planning mainly because of a policy of representation out in the <br />County. He noted that Carrboro is in the Joint Planning process all <br />the way, but felt the administrative review process was not workable. <br />Marvin Collins, Planning Director for Orange County, began the <br />presentation. He gave a brief outline describing what was to be <br />accomplished at this meeting. He referenced the Joint Planning Area <br />Land Use Plan packet that was available for distribution. Collins <br />also encouraged input from advisory boards and the public. <br />Collins began by briefly discussing the 1981 Land Use Plan for <br />the area giving the plan categories for the area, the purpose of <br />
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