Orange County NC Website
1°:z; <br />t3nutes o.' tl:e Co^~issioners of Cr2nrc County <br />i.Sonc 2y April 5,19.5 <br />ire eti~c c211 er is Drees by Bhairaan et 10:00 o'clock A,::. ,present <br />Collier Cob o, ~ir, Chs1!-:zn,CC~:,assl Doer+'. Ban ?. 'Anson end. Hubert G~. La:yrs. <br />3nutes of _~.rch aeetln!= ':+cre reed end c.p;:r ovad.. <br />1,'. cn .notion of Caa-a ss inner Plilson, rulY second ed. 5y Co-~ass loner <br />Lae+s e..^.c a^.zniaousl;f n_ssec that John ii. Hanner, ce end. 15 hereo7 an- <br />pointec as ae r!ber of t e ~~ranre Coun t;• Hoard of Public `Aelfara ,: or e term <br />of tTw ;f'-ar^„ cr, , .4pri1 _,13?3, <br />Join L, Cerise r. z ared oe *_'ore the Brrc in corn^.ctl on •.!1 th a ro,ed <br />l er.d Snc in to h1s form. ^~ <br />:ass l7o cdard 3;fcrs,Home Demanstr s.tien A?,s nt nzc.= irsr mont:ly report <br />:;ni c:=.. '~rss anorcved end orce!-er. '11ed.. <br />'!-on .ro ti bn of Co-ami sslonsr t°ils on, dul;f b;f Co:r-.l ssi over <br />Lea s, 211 ae:auer s- bei^- ::rose rt and rot±n!s in ti?a z.ffir:zativs,C. t". Rzy is <br />itennoy re-np pointed Count;i Acc ountz.nt nnc. Trr: Su_, ervis or for a tern of t~ao <br />7/eer s, <br />Country Aren't Don S. !ztheson znd As=_lstent County Aye nt Joe tJ. Ho:~rar@. <br />zp::eersd ref ore t a Board a.nd rsn or tee thet file Fadcrel Govcr n:.^.o nt rras ou11d- <br />in- st ora~e f:r rrheet, rrhi ch ~:roulc oe shi~_±ec in end sold to tae `u:aers of <br />the county for fcedirw tite it stock et e :;rice of .}'1,10 per 'bushel. Also t:at <br />the Faraers S;:cr sn^^_ °' s hullo in an agp_ovec 8l euehter House zt tha stock <br />per'.-:et :or ~..: usz o_' oa of end pork dealsr s. <br />SS.eri°` S. T. Latta zp~,.e=red be ore t!c Boerc in r _•zrds to tixe s 1e <br />oI beer on Sunr.ey.. <br />',Y, T, _stt bs,SUaarlnv`e nd sot of Fubl is ;'isi zre,submltted z. 11st of r:.ll <br />:'cce_,t ances 2nc r~;Ject ions for olc a,qe a=sist2nce cur inc :isre:n, L'2=~. <br />. C. Bur t,i;ecro Fesm Arcnt,subvit fed z nerrztiva ro_>ort z:. of tdove mbe~ <br />50,1°2,~shrnvinc t, aced.^ Ssh:nents of `.e i..ttenslon Pr asrr.a zone. nerro <br />'rrners of t:;e Coen tf 'br ~_. :fear 19.2.x: <br />Bacuc st of As'n11n 0. Autc'r ins for n reruction in t:-e lister vaL.:ation <br />o~ eer s, armed by ^zzell !iotor Cnm-any 2.nd stored is 2-enne C;cnt:i, 3r on 65a o3 <br />inventory price to 25~ ~.' inre nt Dry price nzs,vo on ant lop o.' Com:•a ssioner <br />Zrileon,duly ssc on<~ed b7 Cn::!.^.Ss s+_aner La~rc enc unenl:aously 2r_o?ted.; refused. <br />A, H, Grahnm,COUnty Attorney sod. G. 7f, Rzy,County Acc Dun t.a nt rep or tee. <br />to ti» Bozrd ti?z.t fire ~,,^_tter of S, Czrl Formsst ^s to ae;Ime nt of Coc:nti' Hose <br />orooarty has been settled in full. Count? Attorney is hereby ordered. to non- <br />suit actien e.aalnst the slid 5, Cerl Forrest, <br />Ruby C, ~'~r: a-aa;f,ii e.gro Home De:nonstrstion Aecnt !-ace 1±er aonthly re- <br />port :r:=-ic' erzs zn~~soved zsd orderer. _°Sl ed, <br />^p on motion of Cc;na,i ssioner Leas ,dull seconcar, oy Corr..^.issioner Plilson <br />and unanir+~usly ad o~tad tset t!:c Count; Acc nur.t ^.nt ~be end is hereby author Sz ed <br />anr, cirected to ecncal Juc _emsnt eeainst J. 'Aa!ter KnSrht in zmount of $200.00 <br />rnl oil 'aas =_ntered e.e2.inst sslc J. 'ttel ter Knight as surety on apoearence bond <br />o; Vesta Strl clilsnd,eaid cancellztl on to ~be mede on tits pa;Iment oPiz50, 00 and. <br />all tn:ces due on wall lot north o; tine Town oe'tii115o of o,~oe longing to the <br />heirs of the 12te Cora Knight. <br />Uoon mot ion it is ^ereby orderer. tiist bill for rc_a eirs 2nd tires for <br />Sher if f's car to the zr,.o ~.;r.t of X55. 53 be paid. <br />_. <br />I <br />Ca ntinued On Hezt Pege <br />