Orange County NC Website
60~~16 <br />MzNUTEs <br />ORANGE COUNTY BpARD pF COMMISSIONERS <br />BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING <br />JUNE 4, 1885 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners held a Public Hearing on the <br />1985-8fi $udget on June 4, I9S5, 7:30 p.m. in Superior Courtroom of the Orange <br />County Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />CQ~(~SSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Don Willhoit and Commissioners Shirley <br />Marshall, Moses Garet', Ben Lloyd and Norman Walker. <br />STAFF PRESENT: County t~ianager Kenneth R. Thompson, Assistant County <br />Managers Albert Kittrell and William Laws, Recreation Birector Mary Anne Black, <br />Planning Director Marvin E. Collins, Director of Revenue Johnny T. Horner, <br />Coordinator, Co~nission for Women, Verla C. Insko, Tax Supervisor Fermit Ai. <br />Lloyd, Extension Chairman William E. Mainous, Economic Development Director <br />Sylvia Price, Hesith Director Jerry R. Robinson, Personnel Director Beverly M. <br />Whitehead, Financial Analyst Donna Clayton, Director of Finance Gordon Saker, <br />and Clerk to the Board Beverly A. Blythe. <br />Chair Willhoit announced that the public hearing will be on the Orange <br />Gountq budget as prepared and presented by the County Manager to the Board of <br />Go~nissioners. Another public hearing will be held on June 18, 1985, 7:30 p.m. <br />in the Courtroom of the old Poet Office in Chapel Idill. <br />Kenneth Thompson made the presentation of the recommended budget for 1985- <br />86. The budget will be subject to change as further refinements and revisions <br />are incorporated by the Board. The recouanended County budget for 85-86 totals <br />$26,619,000 which represents a 6L overall increase; 6.7~ increase for the <br />County; 6.S% increase for Orange County Schools and 14.3z increase for the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools. The recoumxended budget would maintain the 55 <br />cent tax rate. <br />NOTE: THE SPEAKERS ARE LISTED IN THE ORDER TEEM APPEARED <br />Joe Nassif, Mayor of Chapel Sill, read a resolution approved by the Chapel <br />Hi11 Town Council which supported their request for continued funding of the <br />municipal library and parks and recreation services. He noted these services <br />are provided in Chapel Hill for people who live is Orange County. They are <br />allowed to use the facilities because of the contribution of County funds. <br />There has been an increase in the number of participants who use the facilities <br />and take advantage of the programs that are offered. It is estimated that 24z <br />of the county residents use the Park and Recreation facilities and that 20% use <br />the library facilities. The County funds are used to pay for the use of the <br />facilities and does not pay for any capital improvements. <br />Ir9~11e-Parker, Chair of the Orange County Parks and Recreation Advisory <br />Council, cited the growth factor as the primary reason for the increase in <br />their budget request. The recommended budget does not provide for the growrth <br />in terms of acquisition of open space and the development of recreational <br />facilities. She asked for support of a five-year capital provement program. <br />The Advisory Council recownends: (I) the Board of mmieaioners set aside an <br />amount of money each gear to be used for the purchase or acquisition by other <br />means of land throughout the County to provide recreation, open space and park <br />facilities fox the citizens of Orange County, and (2) funds be allocated as <br />requested for the Hoxaestead Road property to make it safe. <br />