Orange County NC Website
MINCTl'ES <br />ORANGE COU'!~'X B~ OF COMMISSIONERS <br />SPEC2AL i+IEE.TING <br />$LIDGE'I' <br />NlAY 29, 1985 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session on May 29, <br />1985 at 7:30 in the Courtroom of the Old Past Office in Chapel Hill, North <br />Carolina for the purpose of hearing a presentation by the Chapel Hill/Carrboro <br />Schools on operating and capital requirements for 1985-86 and a presentation <br />from County P4anager Kenneth R. Ttxx~pson on the major cost elements of a 1D~ <br />personnel increase proposed by the state. <br />~S~(~T RS~$~SENT~ Chair willhoit arr-J Commissioners Shirley t+]arshall, <br />Moses Carey. Ben L1_oyd and Norman 4~alker. <br />County t4anager Kenneth R. Thompson, Dire.^tor of Finance <br />Gordon Baker, Assistant County triar~ager Albert Iiittrell, Financial Analyst Donna <br />Clayton and Clerk to the Board Beverly A. Blythe. <br />Dr. Parrish, Chair of the Chapel Fiill/Carrbora Schools, noted the budget <br />is nonexpansionary and the recommer~ation from the County tanager is greatly <br />inadequate to fully fund the budget. <br />Sue Baker, School Board Member, stressed that full funding of the budget <br />in just a continuation of their present programs and services with no increase <br />in staff. She requested that this continuation be funded. She gave a brief <br />sur[¢nary of the achievements by Chapel Ha11-Carrboro students. <br />Dr. Mayer, Superintendent of Schools, made the following conanents: <br />1. Student population continues to climb with an expected enroll- <br />ment for 1985-86 of 5,334 students. <br />2. The 1984-85 budget was supplemented with approximately 5800,000 <br />from the furu3 balance which is a nonrecurring source of revenu- <br />e. <br />3. The budget request represents a status quo budget for program <br />expenditures with a 5~ inflationary factor built into non- <br />.: program expenditures with exceptions in several areas. <br />Dr. Mayer gave an overview of the preliminary budget and su~rized <br />certain key items: <br />1. Revenue projections are based on a per pupil allocation of $782 <br />for 5,334 projected students which equals 5946,439. <br />2. A district tax increase of 3.7 cents to 19.3 cents will yield <br />5602,494. <br />3. The appropriation from the County represents of all local <br />funds. <br />a. Eighty-five percent (8S~) of the request will go for employees, <br />Harvey Gay, Finance Officer, described the process by which the budget was <br />Put together and detailed information about changes in the actual amounts of <br />money being spent: <br />1. Ten percer~ (IO$) salary increase is in the budget for all <br />employees. <br />i. Five percent (5~) inflation increase for all nonsalaried cost <br />except for utility cast, telephone cost, insurance cost, etc. <br />3. Referring to Category 1, current capital is a reflection of the <br />five-year, lorxl-range capital plan. <br />0~J:a~04 <br />