<br />inures of the Com_~iss inners of Orange County
<br />:~:ondey rr^e'oruar;{ 1,1953
<br />.:e eti nc tolled to order oy Chairman et 10:00 A..i..Pre sent
<br />C oilier Coan,~Jr, Chairaan,Cac:..,~i ssi oner Hen F. ~'1Slson end Hubert
<br />G, Lz:as,.
<br />Finutes of January meeting -rare read en anpr oved~
<br />Don 5, iSabheson, ?r nnre Ca. qty Farm A¢e nt and Joe i1, Hoaard,
<br />Assistant Aqe nt,autl fined the curies of ti':e 1r a.erartasnt in connect ion
<br />~ritit the war nrorrr~,
<br />i~.iiss '.Yo odard Hyers,3ome Demonstrz.tion Agent, Wade her Monthly
<br />r en ort erhich Tres approved and ordered filed.
<br />?n ':otion of Cox_l ssi mar Ylll son,duly seconded o;; Com`~issioner
<br />Lew s, the Poll o~.vine res al ::.t ice r;ss unenlT ously passed.
<br />1YfL`~F.AS, T. E. E.11 ey,late or t:aw Towrshlp,Orange County,
<br />died. inter sate seized and possessed o_' e, smaSS taect of 10 acres of lard
<br />in Ena Tocroship, Orange County; and, whereas, Wring to the de¢th of the
<br />saifi T. E. Riley he was an inmate of the county home of 9renee County, and
<br />said county would 'nave been entitled under the provision of ti:e statutes
<br />of 'north Carol in¢ to require tiie conveyance ~ey T, E. Riley of his real
<br />estate as pzrt consideration for his meintenence and upkeep, but in view
<br />of the feet that t::^.e said T. E. Riley died leavine a wife,%ffie S. Riley,
<br />who has very little property:
<br />Now, th er afore, it is ordered that Orange County do euitcl aim,
<br />release and vrelve any end all claim rvhlcii it might have to the lU acres
<br />of land Sn Eno Toren shlo,Cranae County, and for the puro are of carrying out
<br />this resolutl on, it is ordered that the Chairman o? this Hoard,together
<br />with the 81er;c hsreto, do execute and del Suer to Effie 5. B11ey e cultcl el
<br />deed pelvina any right of Cr¢nee County in and to said lU acres of land.
<br />Petition 'sze received Eton the fniverslty of iiarth Car of Sna 1n
<br />renards to taxes on West House; ;:o action vine taken,
<br />On motion of Com=a ssi oner t:'il son,duly seconded by Commissioner
<br />La'.vs,the foil o':rine resolution '.vas unani mousty ed on tad:
<br />.'II_EREAS, the i(or th Carolina Lerci sl ¢ture has et the aresent Hes Sion
<br />enacted a nubllc local few which ,cakes possloie certain caenres in the
<br />sal axles of various county off iclel s, anfl in cotv_:11¢nee with the provisions
<br />of said local la'.v, and in nrd er to effect the intention there of,it is here o
<br />ordered that ti]e salary o° the depuC{ cl crk of superior court shall be ape
<br />th puss nd t'nres hundred and t;ve my dollars per annum; that tine sal ery oP
<br />i~.eputy s stiff for Chao el Ril! tawnsh in,end tL+e ..=.elary of tr.e first deputy
<br />for Sill shorn township, shall each be one thousand five hundred doll us
<br />per annum; that the salary o° tae c.eputy register of deeds, or cleric in
<br />said off ice,shall be one thousand and eighty dopers per annum; that tine
<br />salary of tie o£f ice clerk in the o"See of the county ac co::ntant shell be
<br />one th ausard two hundred doll nrs per annum.
<br />IYIiEl7EAH, it was fire intention of tae above mentioned local lea that
<br />fire salary Sncrees zs snecif led in said 1a~s oe effec?+4 ve as of Jenuery ~,
<br />1953;it Ss .:o~.v orderea that the county accountant put said provisions
<br />into effect by mr_'ang pa;{meets to the re spec~ive anunt;l off iciels in ac-
<br />cordance wr ti? Bald e.ct and that tee salaries herein fixed and determined
<br />sna11 be as of January 1,1953, end pay~ne eta Por month of January,19 .3,1'!111
<br />be iR aCC OIGCRCe with th16 res of ution.
<br />Ti=e foil ovri ne res of utlon, on motion of Commissioner Lew s,duty
<br />seconded by Commissl oner "filson,'•ves duly ado?tad:
<br />:'lHEP3A9,there nzs peen a general ad~us tnent of sal er ies of county
<br />officials by e nubllc local act o? the present Session of the i<orta Cso11
<br />Legislature, end in view of the greatly increased cost of liv lee e.:p apses,
<br />it Ss ordered th¢t t!:e salary o: ti:e county ecemaatent of Or enge County
<br />shelf be three th ou send six hundred dollerg per annum; and that the salary
<br />of the tzx collector shall oe two thousand dollars per annum, with said
<br />provisions applying from January 1,195:;.
<br />Cp on motion of Commissioner Laws,d.ul,y seconded by Commissioner
<br />iYilson. it is hereoy ordered that the salary of Joe o-7, Hoc+ard,es paid ~ny
<br />the county,ue increased Pram 335.00 per month to .~5U.0U per month es of
<br />Feuruary 1,19.3.
<br />i;p an motion of Co:^_missioner :'ill sott,duly seconded ~oy Commissioner
<br />Levis, it is hereoy ordered that G. 'Y. Ray ~oe paid Pive cents per mile for
<br />t1:e use of his gut omoolte in connection pith county affair s, but not to
<br />e:cceed two hundred and fifty dol tars per ;;sag.
<br />