Orange County NC Website
04~ <br />MINUTE S <br />ORAnY~ CO[7NI'i' PC~R~1 CF CQ~LN!T_SSIONERu° <br />R~~+R MEk~TING <br />APRIL 1, 1985 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners nit in regular session or. April <br />1, 1985 at 7:34 p.m. in the Commmissioners' Room in the Orange County <br />Courthouse, Iiillsborough, North Carolina. <br />CCMNiTSSTONERS PRESk~: Chair Don Willhoit and Commissioners Shirley <br />Marshall, Moses Carey, Ben Lloyd and Norman Walker. <br />A'I'1~RI~Y PRESEi~7r: Geoffrey Gledhill. <br />STAFF PRFSENP: County Manager Kenneth R. Thompson, Assistant County <br />Managers William T. Laws and Albert Kittrell, Director of Community Aevelapment <br />Wilbert McAdoo, Planner Susan Smith and Clerk and Administrative Assistant to <br />the Board Beverly A. Blythe, <br />NOTE: The meeting was iroved to Superior Courtroom to accomm~date the number of <br />people in attendance. <br />E. PUBLIC HEARING <br />1. Cr1+~'fUNITY DEVEL~)PMEDTr APPLICATION <br />The purpose of the public hearing Gras to receive public aommYnts on <br />the 1985 small city CDBO application for the Rancher Street area. The <br />application included: (1) upgrading of the water lines, (2) installation of <br />sewer line, (3) street improvem~-ts, (4) property acquisition and (5) housing <br />rehabilitation and various other activities. <br />Tony Walker, citizen from the Cheeks/Miles area, questioned the point <br />system used in determining the project area and Wilbert McAdoo explained that <br />the lack of bathroom facilities was the deciding factor with eight outdoor <br />facilities i.n the Rancher Street area ar~d four in the Cheeks/Miles area. <br />walker indicated that in addition to the four houses with outdoor facilities, <br />seven others in the Cheeks/Nliles area have no facilities at all. McAdoo <br />indicated their survey did not indicate seven dwellings with no facilities at <br />all. <br />Another factor considered was the ability to provide facilities. The <br />Rancher Street area is capable of being served by a sewer line. <br />McAdov stated that the houses with no bathroom facilities would be in <br />violation of the Orange County health standards. <br />Chair Willhoit indicated that most likely the Cheeks/Miles area would <br />be the next area considered for a rehabilitation grant. <br />Commissioner Marshall suggested making a policy on the use of Section <br />8 surplus funds to help those situations where there is an extreme need. She <br />expressed concern that seven occupied homes do not meet health standards. <br />Commissioner Walker stated he felt the areas needed to be <br />investigated i[nre thoroughly before a final decision on a specific area is <br />made. <br />Josephine Holman, a resident of Rancher Street, e_~pressed her desire <br />to see the money used in the County rather than nowhere at all. <br />Alonzo Walker, Cheeks/Nliles area, felt the survey was not done <br />properly and that the people should be personally interviewed. <br />Maggie Lane, Rancher Street Area, noted there are definite needs in <br />both areas. <br />