Minutes - 19850320
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19850320
Entry Properties
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04~ <br />_M_ T ~ J TE S <br />~~ Ca[7!~y !~-~ ~' CCP~?ISSIpNERS <br />ODI~PIN[IP.TI~7 (~' 3/19/$5 MEErTNG <br />MARCH 20, 1985 <br />The Orange County Board of Comm9.ssioners met i.n oontinued session on March <br />20, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room at T,incoln Cer_ter as! C_1 uyll for <br />the purpose of selecting a Community Develop!~zent Block Grant Target area for <br />1985. <br />CQ~ISSTOI~~ERS ~'~: C?~ir Don Wi llhvit arxi Co~rani.ssioners Shirley <br />Marshall, Moses Carey and Ben rloyd. <br />GCC~'IISSTONER P~SE.nm. Co[m<n~sioner ?dor_man Walker. <br />STAFF PRESENT' County Manager Kenneth R. ?'hompson, Assistant County Manag- <br />ers Albert Kittrell and William T. Laws, Environmental Health Supervisor Tony <br />Laws, Community Develapment Director Wilbert McAdoo, program Administrator <br />Glenn Davis and Clerk and Administrative Assistant to the Boazd Beverly A. <br />Blythe. <br />In answer to the questions raised at the March 19, 1985 meeting with <br />regard to; (1) the caondition of each house in both the Rancher Street ar~3 the <br />Chaelss/M.i.les area, (2) designation of ownership of each dwelling, and (3) the <br />number of outdoor bathroom facilities in each area, Kenneth Thonpsori presented <br />a tax nip showing the two cona~ounities and the condition of each dwelling with <br />an ownership list and additional information to substantiate the accuracy of <br />the number of outdoor bathroom facilities. <br />Wilbert McAdoo explained the two maps in detail. The map showed those <br />houses that were standard, substandard (deteriorated), dilapidated and rental <br />units. T7~e study done in 1982 was reevaluated and the figures found to be <br />correct. The Cheeks/Miles area has three (3) rental and 40 owner-occupied <br />homes. The Rancher Street area has nine (9) rental and 33 ownerroccupied <br />homes, Tne points for both areas for the outdoor facilities were equal. <br />Conanissionar 11oyd pointed out that the dilapidated and deteriorated units <br />' in Cheeks/Miles totaled 3S and in the Rancher Street area totaled 32. <br />Wilbert McAdoo stressed. the Rancher Street area has a greater need <br />because of the lack of bathroom facilities. T7~is condition directly affects the <br />people living in those households and urrler the guidelines of the CDBG the <br />needs must be addressed that would upheld the health and safety of the <br />residents. He explained that after the application is cv~letsd a <br />determination is made on the type or' assistance that will be awarded to the <br />rental units and the type of contraints placed on the landlord. These <br />properties would be eligible for Sectzon 8 designation providing the cronies <br />whereby the properties could be kept np to standard. <br />Chair Willhoit reiterated that since both projects rave been revaluated <br />and both have an equal amount of points, that other factors such as roads and <br />the ability to eliminate outdoor bathroom facilities irnast be considered to <br />determine the success of the project. <br />Wilbert McAdoo explained that in the Cheeks/Miles area, because of cost, <br />only one road could be paved (Washington Street), and other private drives may <br />be upgraded. Also, the soil is suitable for septic tanks, In the Rancher <br />Street area, Rancher Street would be paved, The soil in the Rancher Street area <br />is not suitable for septic tanks, <br />Commissioner Cazey noted that bath project areas are dilapidated <br />in tarrnc of i•ha hnu~ina urii-h Pact having serious nroblemS with bathrnnm <br />
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