:'.Scares of t'r.e Commisz!on ors of Orange County
<br />December ~, 1942
<br />:.: V
<br />Hoard met et 10:00 C+elack. ..fter the oath of office 5vas admSnl stared
<br />'oy A. {ti. Keel nn, Clerk Superior Court, to the fo ilo•aY ng members:
<br />Colllsr Cobb, Jr,
<br />Hen F. Wil so;
<br />H ubzrt G. Laws,
<br />fir . Co711er Ccbb, Jr., was electe3 chairman,
<br />r1r s, C W, Dubs v;ho owns a farm Sn Eno Town ably about 300 yards off
<br />$ 70 highway re questsd that the road le adln¢ from the highway to her farm be
<br />improved. ..e this was r.cneidered her private road, she was informed that
<br />any reps±rs would have to be made ¢nd fin ¢nced 'ol• her..
<br />r6r. R. Clyde Andrews of Chapel Hill who was electe3 Re7lster of Deeds
<br />at the roc=. r,t general el.e ction appeared before the 9oard and stated that i!r--.
<br />L9 outht that it would not be to hie 'oe st interest to serve as Reat star of
<br />Dazds end tendered his re stgnatl on, After expre sling to Lir. Andrews ti:e
<br />regrets ct the Hoard that he could oat serve, his re si gnat Sen was unan Smou sly
<br />coca pre d,
<br />Upor. motion o` Commisst Doer Lew s, en conded by Commissioner Y711eon, and
<br />duly ndo ptz E, the Hoods o` tY.~e County Officials were approved as follows:
<br />Samuel Tate Latta, Jr. Sheriff ;~ 5,000
<br />Qrover Gordon H?vino Treasurer 10,000
<br />Grover Gordon Hivl.ns Treasurer 5,000
<br />Alonzo Walker Xenlon Cleric Superior
<br /> court 15,000
<br />Hau =_ton Janes Walker Coroner 2,000
<br />W1111am Aalney ficberts Deputy Sherift 1,000
<br />H111 of hr. L. i. Riley in the ,mount et w20,00 fcr H sheep at $2.50
<br />each killed by dogs was all ev.~ed and ordered paid.
<br />Upon me lion of Commissioner }411son and seconded by Commissioner Laws, sod
<br />unanimously adopted, f6r.. A, H, Graham vras aFpointed Att orn_y for Orange
<br />County for a term or two 5'e ors.
<br />Upon motion cf Commissi ~~er P.'11son, seconded 'oy Commies Saner Laws, the
<br />audit -epa rt on County Furds for the fiscal year ended Sun? 'i0, 1942, and of
<br />the 1941 Ta:: Se the ae nt of Carl C. Davis as of October ], 19 L2, which re-
<br />ports were prepared 'ov W'. W, Russ and Company, Cart SSie3 Publ tc Acc oust en ts,
<br />we rz unanimously accepted.
<br />County Agent Don S. fLSthe son and A_=si st ant County Agent Joe N. Howard
<br />pre ss need ti:.eir annual report on work and acts vl ties throughout the Sear.
<br />Air. Howard also Fre ee nted a list of the uncollected accounts fcr work done
<br />fur vari sus farmers of the county by the terracing un1t, As the ee ¢ccaunte
<br />are now d.e l3 nquznt, it was ard.e red th s.t the list 'oe turned ever to County
<br />Attorney A. H, Graham and that he proceed. with collection of same.
<br />As there was a vacancy Sn the Office of Register of Deeds due to the
<br />death of former Register of Deeds 5. W. Andrews and then to the re si gnat!oa
<br />of his son, R, Clyde And rows who xas ale clad as his su oce ssor, the roll owing
<br />per=_ons eppL'ed for anpoi ntment to the of; ice:
<br />f6rs. H, 161 thcll Lloyd
<br />111 ss Carolyn Hurley
<br />Idr, J, Efl Lax's.
<br />After careful cons ideratt on of the qualifications of e¢ah of the appli -
<br />cants, Lir.. J. Ed Lawe was appointed Register of Deeds for the term.
<br />G., W. Rsy, County Accountant, submitted reports cn "oudret 'oe'ences in
<br />the sari cu= funds as of tto~. zm bar ?0, 1942, and of expenditures to the various
<br />fund= for the month oS Nevembe r. Report of Tax Collector Carl C, Davis ss
<br />of November j0 was submitted sh outing a tctsl credit of R%7, 987,92 to the
<br />152 tax ace punt vh 1e: credit rzpre ser,ts .46-?per of the le :y as compared with
<br />ca7lectione at the soma dare last ysar on 191 tax levy of jC9a`.
<br />Tl:e fd'_ow!. ng re saiu tion acs duly cffared 'oy Comm1_st o.~er Wilson, and
<br />sc-conded 'oy Comm: seioner Law e, and unen imm:sly adopted, v.1 th all members
<br />being present and vc ti ng '_n the off is motive:
<br />W'!'S FEAS, Sacticn 13 '~(70) of rite h;o-t~ Garoll na Cor.soL'datec Stat:aes
<br />au SY,o ri ze e, ^mpowsre sr.d direct=_ the Saerd o^ Cn ur. tp Commi ssionsrs to select
<br />(CUt7Tifli;ED;
<br />