Orange County NC Website
1~a' <br />tanutes of the Com[:issioners of Orange County <br />Saturday, November 7, '-942 <br />T".e eting tali ed to order by Chei.raen et 10:00 A,I i. Yre sent <br />S. ?;, Laws, Ch¢irraen, Con. Collier Cobb, Sr„ and Hen s, l;ilson, <br />?enures of Novenber 2 neeting read end approved. <br />'3 5s Cto oderd Byars, °one Demonstration 6F;ent, nade star <br />report of ectivl ties for nonth of October, also ^ report of <br />business done by the Curb Rarket ¢t Chapel Fiill. Total mount <br />of sales for month ?52,609.11 which represents an increase o£ <br />',;1,1.75.34 over corresponding month last year. <br />2'r, Sin Pays and s. 'i.', Codf ray anneered before the Hoard <br />in the of getting some improvement m¢de in a road at <br />"le s,t Hillsboro running by their hones, The -oard requested the <br />chairman, i'r. L¢vrs to take the matter up with P`s. '.7el.ters, <br />Euperintendert of rods for this county, end that he be reuuested <br />tc m¢7^,e the repairs asked for by llr. S.feyes and f`s. Godfrey. <br />... ~^. Rey, County Acoountant, subni tte d. stntement showing <br />amount expended in each fund for preceding nonth end budget <br />bal¢nces ¢s of Cctober list. :, statement wan also presented <br />shows nG .3&82;5 of 1942 tax levy collected to Oo tober 31st and <br />an uncollected balance of 5103, SR6. ti3, These reports ¢nnioved <br />and ordered filed in boo;. of reports h?o. 4• <br />Upon motion of Con, Co'ob, seconded by Con. ^il son, ¢nd <br />unanSmously p¢ssed, }ii ss C¢rolyn hurley is hereby appointed <br />Register of Deeds of Orange County 1'or the unexpired tern o^ <br />.-. ^.. Andrews, which terminates the first Honday in -e camber, 1942. <br />It is further ordered that L'Sss Hurler be paid the full salary of <br />the Reei st cr of -eads for the month. <br />In consideration of the long and faithful service rendered by <br /> 5, !'1. Andrews ¢s Rees star of needs of Orange County and Clerk to <br />this Hoard, vrho died November 1, 1942, upon motion of Con. l!i lson, <br />seconded by Com. Co)N> and open inou slv adopted, it is hereby ordered <br />that the Estate of 5, '.!. andrevrs be paid the salary as Register of <br />-eads for the month of i4ovenber. 1942. <br />