Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />M1nut=_s of the Commisslorers of Orar. ge County, <br />Liorday, Noveti bet 2, 19 k2. <br />The Board met at 10:00 o'clock a. m., in the Commissioners' room in <br />the Courthou ae mith all member= present. C'ralrmsn laws announced tha <br />de sth of 11r. 9, 'A. Andrews, Ha cl st?r of Deeds and. Cis rt to this Hoard, <br />whet?uoon Commissioner Cobb of?eyed the following resa lutla n, which was d: <br />seconded by Commiss loner 1'711 eon, and unanimously adore ted: <br />;IH£Fi7.AS, it has been brought to rite at tsntlon of the Hoar3 of <br />County Commi =_sloners of Orange County thst ffir. B. N. Andrews, for many <br />years the Clerk to this Hoard, died at wntUS Hoe pit al on last evening, <br />November 1: ' <br />N0Y7, TH1iEFOBE, HE IT HESOLPdD by this Board, that in the passing of <br />?Sr. Andrews Orange County hss last one of its outatandiag'ci ti z?n e, a <br />maa who had throughout a long life given freely of hie time, monay end <br />energy to the advancement oY all wo rthwY.i le movements looking to the <br />'o?tterme nt of government and living co ndi tlona in our County, who had <br />been of tar honored at the palls by his name roua friends throughout the <br />County, and to all of the vnri ous offl sea which he I:ad till?d, iir. Andrew <br />always rendered conscientious and patristic services. Hie lose will be <br />deeply felt 'oy the County as s whole and his countless friends will ~o in <br />with his fnmt ly in mourning his passing. It ie further re sal ved that <br />this Hoard do now ad bourn in respect tc the memory oP our friend end <br />Secretary, to meet, however, in adjourned meeting at 10:00 s. m'. on <br />Nov?n'oer 7, 1942. <br />It i.e further ordered that W'r. G. 19, Aay, scting Secretary at this <br />meeting, 'oe instructed to forward a copy of this re sobitlen to the family <br />of Ltr. Andrews. <br />J. Ed Lawsy_Chairman <br />~ ~~ <br />~ i <br />_G, w. Hay <br />Acting Secretary to Board <br />