Minutes - 19840606
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19840606
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~1G <br />~trataTES 1 <br />BUDGET SESSIDr. <br />0_RANGE COU?~7TY BOARD OF CDPTP~IISSIONERS <br />JUNE 6, 1984 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners held a budget session on <br />June 6, 1484 at 7:30 in the Courtroom of the Old Past Office in Chapel <br />- Hill, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners Present: Chair Don h7illhoit and Commissioners <br />Shirley Marshall, Ben Lloyd, Norman tAalker and Richard whitted. <br />- Staff Present: T'enneth Thompson, County Manager; t•Tallace <br />- Harding, Director of Finance; Donna Clayton, Financial Analyst, and <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerl;. <br />Chair t^Tillhoit requested Thompson to highlight the points in his <br />budget letter. <br />Thompson pointed out an expected increase of 15~ for revenue: <br />6$ from property taxes due to a higher base <br />S~ from the one half cent sales tax to be set aside for <br />future construction <br />By subtracting the reserve, there is a 10~ budgetary increase which is <br />balanced by the other revenue and the fund balance. He also handed out <br />the recent state law whereby the state allows cities and counties to <br />tax electronic games at 55.00 per machine. <br />Harding outlined the individual revenue accounts noting $988,000 <br />will be allocated for a salary increase for all positions Funded ay the <br />County. Major increases in the proposed budget include salaries and <br />a full year of funding for Section Eight Housing Assistance payments. <br />A capital reserve of over 59DO,OOD is proposed. The projected funu <br />balance is higher this year from 1.2 million to 1.7 million. The <br />overall tax base is up over 100 million which denotes the larges t <br />increase in a single year. <br />Referring to the Legislative Bulletin an6 the fund objections <br />list Thompson noted that so far it does not include state funding for <br />the full cost of vocational education, maintenance directors or finance <br />officers. <br />He announced the roof survey will be ready to review on June 14. <br />Chair h7illhoit requested the percent of increase in the non-per-- <br />sonnel items in the County departmental budget. <br />Harding indicated there was not an automatic increase in the bud- <br />get for each individual department but by taking the total budget and <br />_ subtracting the reserve for the capital createG by the one half cent <br />sales tax and backing out the 5584,000 for the 10~ increase the in- <br />-._ crease would be about seven percent. <br />Willhoit noted that on capital outlay and equipment for indivi- <br />dual departments, 5255,OD0 was budgeted last year and 5187,000 this <br />year. Thompson explained this 5187,000 is in addition to the <br />departmental capital outlay and is used for small equipment, etc. <br />Harding highlighted some of the major revenue sources: <br />- 1'ERTY,_ TAx which is expected to generate <br />• 510,995,500 based on a base of 52,027,D00,000 which is a <br />5.27 increase over the prior .year, and, ar. estimated <br />98$ collection rate. The delinquent taxes receivable of <br />5500,000 twill generate 525D.000 <br />
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