Orange County NC Website
~~( <br />1 <br />I•I INUTES <br />OF2ANGE COUhT1Y BOARD OF CO1v1MISSIONERS <br />P1AY 15 , 19 8 4 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />Tuesday, May 15, 1984 in the courtroom of the Old Post Office Building, Chapel <br />Hill, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners Present: Don Willhoit, Chair, and Commissioners Shirley <br />Marshall, Ben Lloyd, Norman tdalker and Richard Whined. <br />A. BOARD COP9P~IF.NTS <br />Chair tillhoit added two (2) items to the agenda: <br />(1) Voting Delegate for the NACq Conference; <br />(2) Proclamation for Svil Stewardship Week. <br />Willhoit announced the cancellation of the May 16, 1984, 8:30 meeting <br />on the Classification and Pay Plan until further information is provided. <br />Commissioner Marshall noted some concerns with the Classification and <br />Pay Plan report as outlined in a memo she distributed and as contained in the <br />agenda file. The pay plan is based upon a classification study that has not <br />yet been made available. <br />Kenneth R. Thompson, County Manager. noted that the report covers all <br />positions in the County and some positions are consolidated under new. titles. <br />Commissioner Whitted suggested scheduling a meeting when all information <br />• was available. <br />$. AUDIENCE ('QM.4FNT5 <br />1, ~_„ttpr~ on he Printed__~,,gend_a <br />- None <br />2. ~ 'p~~c3 Agenda <br />None <br />C. B,PPOIh'TPI~IQT~ <br />Postponed until the regular meeting in Hillsborough an June 4, 1984. <br />Chair Willhoit noted that the Orange County Democratic party requested <br />that the Board adopt a policy on the length of time a resume would be kept on <br />file. Willhoit made the recommendation to keep all resumes in an active <br />status for one year and then notify accordingly. A11 appointments will be <br />listed on each agenda - the first time for information and the second time <br />for consideration with resumes attached. <br />D. FtEPOF.TS <br />1~ (see file # ~?'s in <br />the Clerk's files for a copy of this study) <br />Kermit Lloyd, Tax Supervisor reported his findings and gave his <br />recommendation on the Utility Company appeals. Upon examination of the <br />Assessment-Sales Ratio Study from the Assessment Analysis Associates, Inc., <br />there are inc.ications that the entire study is in r~uestion in accordance vrith <br />27 arms length sales being discarded due to the criteria established by the <br />AAA report as stipulated on pages 25 and 26. When these sales are removed <br />from the sales zatio study a mean ratio of 85.10 is established which is in <br />the required parameters. Also upon investigation of the non arms length <br />sales, 12 were found that did not meet the criteria for non arms length sales <br />and were included back into the sales ratio count which gives a sales ratio <br />of 85.48, which is more than the sales ratio of 85 required by law. G.S. <br />105.342 states that the level of assessment is measured against all locally <br />appraised property; therefore, personal property should be factored into the <br />level of assessment. By factorinc, the personal property into the level of <br />assessment without tal:incr out anv of the sales but using their 83.423 levels <br />