;..".i pules .,_ ,_..~ >essd of :; os,_..~i or s__ or Grsne=_ Jour.tS ,i;,
<br />Lionday, October 5, 1942.
<br />`~f.~
<br />i ~~
<br />The Hn and met at the venal hour, pre eent J. E, Laws, Chai rm sn,
<br />Collier Cobb, Jr., end Hen F. Ntl son. The minutes of the 5>pt. 4ee ling
<br />were read and approved.
<br />Idi ss Noodward Hyars, Orange County Home Demon =_tratlon AGe nt, eubmlttefi
<br />an itemized September report, showing ell vrork done, curb market sales, al=_o
<br />an annual report, He pt ember 1941 through September 5, 1942, showing e total
<br />Curb kark et sale of a17, 656.3. Hoth reports ara highly commended and
<br />ordered filed xlth t}:e proper reports.
<br />^u. }Y. Ray, Oren ge County Accountant presented an itemized report of
<br />all Hudget appropri¢t lone 1942•- 1945, wl th the amounts Used "oy e¢ch depart-
<br />ment es Oct. 1, 1942. The report Ss he re'oy approved and orde refl filed in
<br />Report Hook No. 4.
<br />0. C, Dav1 s, Orange County Tex Collector mace a final report on 14h1
<br />taxes as follows, to-v;it:
<br />Tot el Levy, Penalties & cost of 5166,955.11
<br />!vi th collections, releases, dl soounts
<br />& Lend Bales of 163,599.41
<br />Partial Payments re calved on accounts not
<br />fully paid 63.42
<br />Het. Un oollected e= of Oar t. 1, 1942 5.355.20
<br />Fer cent of 1940 lazes".,collected first 6SOndeY
<br />o cto per , 1 41, N .0325
<br />Per cent of 1441 Taxe e, toll acted to date .0317
<br />On motion of Commissl ~~er Nilson duly seconded by Comml ssioner Cobb,
<br />and unanimously adopted, It Ss hereby ordered that tha above report be
<br />accepted, sub.7ect to the Audit of the t71111am Auss Co., Aud hors for
<br />Oren ge County,
<br />G, W., Aey, Orar. ge Covr,ty accountant presented a 11 st by Tor: r,=hips
<br />of Oren ge Coura7 showing the total tax levlas for 1942 as of Oct. 1, 1942,•
<br />qs gregatl ng a sum of $167,469.51
<br />with collections to Sept, 30, 1942 or 25,056.46
<br />Hal ante chareed to Collector 142,411.05
<br />Part payments received to Sept. 30, on accounts not
<br />fully paid 2,679.79
<br />On motion the report Ss hereby anpro ved and ordered filed in Report
<br />Book No. 4,
<br />On motion of Commie=loner Cobb, duly seconded by Comm issi ~~er Nilson
<br />and unanl mously adopted St Ss hereby ordered th et the 1942 tax books for
<br />Orange County be turned over to Carl Q Dgvl s, Orange County Tax Collector
<br />and that he proceed x~?th collection of the said tares Sn accordance x9 th
<br />the State law Bove rring the toile ctlon of taxes,
<br />l!, C, Hurt, Colored Farm Agent presented a detailed report of all
<br />work 'oy his fiepartment in Sept„ 1942.
<br />Report is hereby approved and ordered filed.
<br />Ruby Crews, Colored Home Demonstration figen t, subml tted a detailed
<br />report of her Sept. work. Said report le hereby approved end peed erd filed,
<br />On motion of Comm?ssi on er N11 son duly seconded by Commi=_=loner Cobb,
<br />and. un anlmou sly adopted St is he re'oy ordered that Graham and Eskridge be
<br />D91d the sum of 510.00 for each of the Tax foreclosures Suits nom teing
<br />brought on account aS Delin events for ye ere prior to 1937. Nhen said suits
<br />are settled.
<br />Thare being no further 'ou sine ss on loo lion ad~eurne d,
<br />J. Ed Lan•s _
<br />Attest: Srman
<br />l~i.~~,
<br />Jerk to oard
<br />