Orange County NC Website
r'~ <br />~ ~. ~.~ <br />1 <br />I~iINUTES <br />OP,F,NGE COUI~aY BOARD OF COPIT~IISSIDNEfiS <br />April 2, 1984 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />April 2, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Superior Courtroom, Orange County <br />Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners Present: bon FtiTillhoitr Chair, and Commissioners Ben <br />Lloyd, Shirley t~'arshall, t.arman Walker and Richard t-7hitted. <br />A - ~~8.~5911~IT~ <br />Commissioner P7hitted requested adding to the agenda a report from <br />Commissioner Lloyd on his n;eeting with the town of Mebane. (item fi19) <br />Conunissioner )'.loyd added a report about the multi purpose center. (item <br />~2~) Iie also requested that item 7 Proposed West Orange Land Use Plan: <br />Land Use Plan and Zoning Text Amendments; and Zoning of Cheeks Township - <br />be removes from the agenda because he was absent from the meeting ir, which <br />this item w«s added. <br />Commissioner Y?illhoit e::plained this item was put on the Aiarch 5th <br />agenda far discussion only because Commissioner Lloyd was out of town. <br />T,9otion was made by Cammissianer Lloyd, seconded by Comr..issioner r•;alker <br />that item 7 - Proposed T4est Crange Land Use Plan: Land Use Plan and Zor.ina <br />Text Amendments; and Zoning of Cheeks Township be removed from the agenda.) <br />VOTE; A1•es, 2; P:oes, 3 (r•7i11hoit, Ti7hitted and Tarshall) . <br />B • &T)~~~~41'"fT3~i~ <br />1' ~~s~~].n~~~-Ace~da <br />Chair S•~illhoit will recognize those who would like to speak on <br />Zoning of Cheeks Township at the proper time although he pointed out that <br />- the public hearing on this item was held on November 28, 1983. <br />2 • I<~DTOt op_~brr_~~~.Ilt~~.g~~~ <br />Pir. Plartin, Town Commissioner for Hillsborough, requested adding <br />to the agenda for discussion the animal control resolution the Board <br />received from the town of Hillsborough. After discussion it was decided to <br />add this item onto the April 17 agenda, at cvhich time the County Manager <br />will give a report. <br />C . ~F~ <br />twiotion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner <br />-.. Whitted to approve the June 7, 1983 minutes as circulated. <br />VOTE: UT]ATd2T40US. <br />potion was made by Commissioner 69hitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall to approve the June 21, 1983 minutes as corrected. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 3; Noes, 2 (Lloyd and t'?alker) . <br />Commissioner Lloyd requested that an item be added to the agenda for a <br />study to be done with regard to attorney fees. (item X21) <br />T•otion tvas made by Commissioner Whitted, seCOnded by Commissioner <br />Tarshall to approve the minttes of August 16th as circul«ted. <br />VOTE : UNAT~ II90US . <br />iKotion was made by Commissioner I•iarshall, secondeu by Commissioner <br />Lloyd to approve the December 5, 1983 minutes as circulated. <br />vnmF . r7raAr rr.~nrrs . <br />