Minutes - 19840313
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19840313
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t:II~UTES 1 <br />ORP.NGE COUNTX BOARD OF. COMMISSIONERS <br />MARCH l3, 1984 <br />14'% <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />March 13, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Superior Courtroom, Orange County <br />Courthouse, .Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Conunissioners Present: Don ti~7illhoit, Chair, and Commissioners Ben <br />Lloyd, Shirley Marshall, Norman Walker and Richard Whined. <br />A • ~~3BS~ <br />~ Conunissioner Willhoit noted a lever from Lee F.icketts, President <br />of the Joppa Oaks Homeowners Association, who emphasized the difference <br />the nets dog ordinance had made in the community. The residents can walk <br />on the road without being attacked or followed by a pack of dogs. <br />S . BIdI~I.B~1S~C~?M~,~ <br />None <br />Z • M~t,~r5_ Not on thp,~S.;~~pd Agenda <br />Kenneth R. Thompson, County Manager, added one item to the <br />agenda for the purchase of six (6) vehicles for the sheriff's <br />department. <br />C. P~~Ic'~~A,$~7~ <br />1. C~nsideraiion~~~~~.tt9--~h~ds~].tian~,J.~ne-Half_CF~t <br />S~1 Ps Tax <br />Thompson presented information on the sales tax and presented <br />reasons and justification of the sales tax: (l) condition of school <br />facilities, and (2) need for repair of equipment. Present monies do not <br />allow for any renovations or new construction. The Counties re- <br />sponsibility for the schools include appropriating funds for current <br />expenses and providing funds for capital improvements - major or new <br />construction. The County is 42~ above the state average in funding the <br />Orange County Schools from local sources and 116 above the state average <br />in funding Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools from local sources. The County <br />has fallen behind in meeting capital needs. Because the property tax <br />does not grow at the same rate of inflation, especially during periods of <br />growth, another source of funds is needed. The legislative .provides the <br />sales tax with two purposes: (l) to give counties and municipalities the <br />opportunity of an added source of revenue to meet ongoing financial <br />needs, and (2) to reduce reliance on other revenue like the property tax. <br />The tax does have some restrictions: (1) during the first five years, <br />proceeds from the.additienal one half cent sales tax can be spent in an <br />unrestrictive manner up to 60~ with 40~ going to schools; (2) during the <br />-- second five years the percent for unrestricted use may be 70~ with 30$ <br />for schools, and (3) thereafter unrestricted. The one half cent sales <br />tax is to be distributed on a per capita basis. Tf all 100 counties <br />participate, 96~ of the returns will be returned to the County. The <br />total projection for the upcoming year from the proceeds would be <br />51,866,600. <br />Dr. Liner from the Institute of Government presented information on <br />the three (3) kinds of taxes -proportional, regressive and progressive. <br />He noted that: (1) the amount of tax paid will go up with income; (2) it <br />will bring in a lot of Honey at a low rate; (3) consumers don't mind <br />na~riricr ~n andit;nna7 nnP half cant sa1aG tax. and (4) sales tax would <br />
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