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i~~ <br />1 <br />r.iTf~[PI'FS <br />ORI~NGE COUi~*.C1' BOARD OF CCtH:ISSIOP~'.S <br />February 21, 1984 <br />'!'he Orange County Board of Cor.+missioners met in regular session on <br />February 21, 1984 at 7:30 p. m. in the Courtroom of the Old Post Office <br />Building, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />Co:amissioners Present: Don T.~Til].hoit, Chair, and Commissioners Ben <br />Lloyd, SY:irley IYarshall, Norriari 1~Ialker and Richard Whitted. <br />A. pt>gr•7c H~~r~rNr; <br />1. i~,~~mian Housing Cone <br />County I•]anager Ken Ti~;rason presented the revised draft (see <br />~rmanent agenda file for the eleven revisions) which incorporates <br />suggestions resultim; from the previous tvro public hearings and Board and <br />staff review. <br />• Candace Carraway read a statement for the HSAC that conded the <br />staff for their work on the Fiinimum F?ousing Code. She called attention <br />to (1) Section 5.1 ~~~ich requires a dwelling unit be supplied vrith public <br />water and suggested this is not to be construed as requiring vaater be <br />piped insice of the dvrellirg unit; (2) 5.1 and 5.2. which deal with <br />plumbing could be construed as inconsistent and recommended t'7at the <br />words "if provided" be added to the beginning of Section 5.2; (3) does <br />not support the provisions of 5ectior_ 12.5 which places the <br />responsibility of replacing screens and windows on the tenant except if <br />damaged by the tenant by v~illful acts or negligence and proposed added <br />language to the first sentence of 12.5 and deleting or changing the last <br />sentence. The HSAC supported the Ordinance with the above mentioned <br />changes and encouraged passage immediately. <br />Gloria Williams, Director of JOCCA, spoke an behalf of the staff <br />in endorsinc the tiinimum Housing Code as reco:rm~eruZed caith the revisions <br />and recommended changes as sutiar;itted by the HSP,C subcommittee. She re- <br />ferred to federzl and state housing statutes and cited data from the 1980 <br />Orange County Housing Census. ~e adoption of the housing code will <br />help JOCCA in their efforts to provide adequate housing and significantly <br />reduce substandard housing concitions in Orange County. <br />Attorney Gledhill suggested that in 12.5 the word "replace" be <br />inserted after install to help clarify the second section which teals <br />with the paying for the screens and winnows. <br />Commissioner S,loyd requested that in Article 6 "to a temperature <br />of 68 cegrees" be deleted because there is no way for that to be met. <br />NO GTHEIR C~II•'III•1r5 <br />B. $~R~ <br />__ 1. Social Services (see permanent agenda file for this report) <br />Tom ~•iarc:, Director of Social Services, presented this report and <br />commented about the impact of staff additions for the first six (6) <br />months of 1983-84 budget year. <br />Commissioner T~~illhoit thanked Tom T•7ard for the report and commwnd- <br />ad rim for the program improvement in light of budget cuts. <br />2. School Capital Task Force_ (see permanent agenda file for <br />this report) <br />Richard I. Sharpless, Chairman of the ad hoc School Capital Task <br />Force presented the report as contained in these minutes. <br />