Minutes - 19840214
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19840214
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r~ r. <br />~+. ~; <br />x <br />pI IN[JTES <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COrI~1ISSI0NERS <br />February 14, 1984 <br />The Orange County.8oard of Commissioners met in special session on <br />Tuesday, February 14, 1984 in the Commissioners' Room,. Hillsborough, North <br />Carolina at 7:3D p.m. <br />- Commissioners Present: Don Willhoit, Chair and Commissioners Shirley <br />Marshall, Ben Lloyd, Norman Walker and Richard whined. <br />__ 1. <br />~j(~ N~ SION,,~ <br />County Manager Thompson presented background information and an <br />overview of the two projects: (l) Cheeks Township water and Sewer <br />Extension Feasibility Report, and (2) Upper Eno River Basin Reservoir <br />Development Feasibility Report. He outlined the originating circumstances <br />that prompted this engineering report - (1) malfunctioning septic tanks <br />presenting a hazard to the occupants, (2) malfunctioning of the package <br />treatment plant .at the Efland Cheeks School, and (3) the area which is <br />nutrient sensitive. The County Commissioners saw a need for a master plan <br />for the entire area including the homes, the school and future economic <br />growth. Article B of the Hillsborough 201 plan called for a reasonable <br />partnership in the future between the County and Hillsborough to serve the <br />Efland area with Hillsborough as the lead agency in providing the sewer <br />treatment plant. This report gave no completion date for providing these <br />services. As a result of a meeting with the Town of Hillsborough last <br />_.. July, 1983, Hillsborough indicated a willingness to provide the labor and <br />equipment to install this sewer line. Farmers Home Administration, <br />funding agency, disagreed with this concept indicating they desired a <br />project that could be competitively bid from the outset so that the cost <br />would be determined before the start of any construction work with one <br />contractor being solely responsible. They required that the County own <br />the lines until the bond indebtedness was paid in full. Orange County <br />agreed to pay the expense (2 grants and 1 loan) and maintain the lines <br />(monthly payments from customers). The County would be responsible for <br />collection and in turn pay the town fvr its cost of treating the sewage. <br />In July, 1983, the John McAdams Engineering Company was hired to <br />develop two reports: (1) the Reservoir feasibility report and (2) sewer <br />study. In conjunction, the Planning Department was to consider a land use <br />plan and zoning for the V7est Orange Area taking into account: (1) the <br />engineer's design for an initial service area and future growth; (2) <br />further extension for commercial and industrial development; (3) best site <br />for the reservoir development, and (4) a protection area. -water critical <br />area where only partial development could take place. <br />Rim Fisher of the Jahn McAdams Company, pointed out on the proposeu <br />land use map for the West Orange area, the water critical areas, existing <br />reservoirs, proposed commercial and industrial transition area, 10 and 20 <br />year transition areas, and agricultural and residential areas as they are <br />now. He further explained the six (fi) phases of the proposed sewer. <br />Phase 1 would be considered immediately with the other phases in the near <br />future. The components of the sewer system included: (1) 25,000 linear <br />feet of gravity lines; (2) three force mains - 2", 3" and 6" that run to <br />Hillsborough; (3) three pump stations and (4) 182 stubouts for connection. <br />
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