<br />, iiI:: LTi9 0? PP;. _O adB Os CGizi S3IOli~:S 1LGli;Y'+Y .1`rRIL 6th I952
<br />Phe 3oa r3 met at the usual flour present Cemmi2siar.ers J ~d.Lav+s Chai r~pan ,3.a.
<br />+i lson and Jollier Conb Jr. L'he mi rules of the last meeting ':.erz read and ao_
<br />n ro ved.
<br />'" `scan ?eti lion £rom £our Citi zFns oY Chapel Hiil to the :hate ni gh'.'.a,j 'JOmnis
<br />lion :a==_ing £or im7 rov ement of read is :.eni sd on sec ou nt oY not havib(~ the re
<br />cui res number o£ sinners.
<br />Gn motion oY au^ommis sinner .+i7 son seconded by Oommissioner Cobb and una+himously
<br />o;ssed 1.*.e L'ourty `StOr ney is ee?nested tc ~:x eyarepBUi table resolution..'44 on thpr
<br />d e~t:^. of L:r H L,aay the fa tl:er oY Lr G :i„=iay :range County Pax Superv i~or ;nd
<br />ace ou-tart ,~
<br />Phe L'cunty at~orney pre_Fn ted !'the foil ping resole tlon
<br />Rv:$IIL tiTI01i
<br />The Yoll ocd iYg resolution ¢+as o.f Fred by Commi ssiener 'Xil so n, duly seconded
<br />'oy Camri_sioner Cobb, and urra Him wel3y passed
<br />~Y:,i?.:;15, ..e 3oa rd o3 Cor_ci ssione rs oY Orange County has gust been adv sed of
<br />the deoXn oY L'er. S L.iiay,oY Bineham Toemshl n, Orange C misty,
<br />'3G'J ,There Yc re 1t is i~er eby su~.80i:JiJ that Orange ' ounty
<br />has lost onyof its 3inest Citizens, and his nassi ng is de enly rF¢rette by -
<br />the eem~ere oY this Hoard,>>^u rth2^, that the sympathy oY this Board ii hzreby
<br />zst en de~to i:r. Gilbert ..; Ra1~, and to the other menbsrs o3 the fai*,ily,
<br />l+i zs :ro cdrazd 3yers, white Demonstration lent su ~mi ttsd a de,t Ail ed rdna rt o3
<br />oY t;a rch acti vial es, CU rb La r'set >al es and Fen eral i.^,YO rma tion of the :'+ppprk in
<br />Orange Ccu my ;:i th an ex~se account oY ?5.57 Yor ^:a terial used,R e~;o rp an proved
<br />ordered filed and the acc~ nt ordered aid.
<br />-7. i4ay C misty lecounta rt sutmitled a de is i},ed re;.o rt of all 3u dget apT ronr-:~
<br />vtions £aT each `e partment th.=_ amp vnts used, and axsc :: its unused as oY ihpril I
<br />I9-2.3 epo rt an',.~to vzd and o:derd filed in report Bock '_-e 4
<br />.ari 0 -+avis ~ranre Jon my Tar. Collector rencrted a total ta:! Levy Yor I9 I-oY
<br />:I6d,974.27 cith ~ollFC Ci onsj di sc punts, and eel eas es of %227,5HH,55 i a:'i ng an
<br />uricclleGted Sala nee as of dpril Ist i9A3 of jAC,C05~-75,Rp-.~ort wisp ro ved and or-
<br />dered filed in rencxt Bo cc :io
<br />-'he :1F +Ort Of the Gr'a jyddll ry fOr 1112 la9t Crimi Hal Lerm of Con It '::oH D=eeP/2~t ed
<br />and r; rein lly exa«,i red by L:e 3oard,
<br />1'hF Ial3CtY1 ;g P.a mE3 'n ere dTnCln t0 9FrV2 09 Jnn0 T9 at the JiVll LeTm lP iLay
<br />I9'12,to- ~i t:
<br /> I-- L C.l:erritt.-_______.....___Eno--___I 6-~- R L. dl_on C.G
<br /> 2--dllan e.Lloyd H.B---_..,I7-- IvllY. 1'a an -r.
<br /> S--Lloyd ice:F Che ks-___Ig__0 S-. 3roc k'n ell '. F.
<br /> 4--John & Cates Cheek9----i9--Janes l'i 11 iane '. F.
<br /> 5___J mes _.'_il7 ey L,'s-----20--3 T..7 ohns ~.3
<br /> 6---Loy G•Piliey =.R----2I--s`'l oyd T~JOhrsan E.B
<br /> 7--_$ T. Chzndl°„ C,G-___ 2_-J c° 3m ah 7 , .it
<br /> $--_J B•8i grsbez C,E--_... .2'°" J i. H.Jh EFk
<br />' b ti
<br />E:3
<br /> grri s. 'ay
<br />9-_-E G•CO1Fm an"r..3_____~~__..` i:
<br /> -e<'Q2rad ii x3_____25 _.._Joe 3_;arx'oc:
<br />i0___J °_ ? L.5
<br /> _
<br />I1 ___Ch?., P, ~f :lg C,'r.--'......~_._.. T I:': L"29 ~,'1'22r ~l nyh.
<br />~
<br /> 1 ,.__-Ju rtin °,3 Fr9 C,.^.-__-_CQ.,.__ alll ~. 3_P•I~3 -.3
<br /> Iv--_Lloyd R,3ooY L',H-__,...2 $---LCnnie Deaa. B 'nr,
<br /> I4--_S 4,i:athan J,&-.. _..-29 -__g C-B ErrY ,3
<br /> 35_-_C B-J acs son Inc-----SD---Jams il.Orutch£i eld Uh eks
<br /> G !1. Say Con i:~ty ,;; ec ccraart cis ape :u nt of the
<br />Giving '`o the ats ence of ey,t
<br /> ,
<br />031 hie xa trer; '. Y.ere ap..2a_'.ng no r..o re buElneas ,on notion ad,j ou rn ed to m <e~
<br /> ._
<br />in adjourned 3es sl on on :'_Pnd sY ',c zii I3th l9?i
<br />J Ld Lav+s .~
<br /> _`
<br />V
<br />~nac real :
<br /> 3en :~ '.iil son I
<br />
<br /> $ ''.. ,d rdre'ss Col f er Cobh J_ r
<br />
<br />~`- CS erk to Board Fo
<br />_ .... __v~__u __.________.___________. _. _ ____. __.___ ci: r'
<br />-.
<br />,0
<br />