<br />LSS nutea oP the Board of Commissioners for
<br />Orange County, N. C., Janu ery 5, 1942.
<br />The Hoard met st th.e u=_ual hour, present, J. D, :aws, Chairman, Hen F,
<br />Wilson and Collier Cobb, Jr,. The minutes of the last meeting were read and
<br />approved.
<br />Dan S. Lfatheson, County Farm Agent, submitted a complete 111us tratsd
<br />report of all departments of his work during 1941. The same is hereby hl ghly
<br />commended and ordered fl led with the pro ner reports,
<br />Joe N. Howard, submitted an Ste mlzed report of the Terracing work showing
<br />a total ch¢rge for work of a"3696.60 end coils ctione - $3556.72 - with a to to
<br />Expen ee account of $3234,96.
<br />Statement of Assets and LS abilities as follow a;
<br />Asee is LS a:bi lines
<br />Cash $40.00 $3000.00 on note
<br />Accts, 164 0 120.00 Interest due
<br />Total $1 6750 102.00 B1119 payablE
<br />A ;c2 .~
<br />After much dl scussl on by the Eoard, Sir. Howsr5l and the County Attorney
<br />the following re so luti nn, on &oti on of Commissioner Caob duly seconded by
<br />Commtssi ones ~}731son and unanimously na ssed,
<br />The Hoard re cel ved a written report from Lir, Joe Ho~:erd, Assistant Fnrm
<br />Agent, covering the operation of the terracing unit during the pest year, and
<br />sl so the financial status of this op=rail on, which ha=_ be?n carried as a
<br />ee paste account.
<br />After extended discussion, Commissioner Cobb offered the following res-
<br />olutlon, which wss duly seconded by Commissi orer wl lson, and unanlmou sly
<br />passed;
<br />tYHEREAS, orange County hes Pnr several yes rs op=rated a to rrecSng outfit,
<br />co nsl=tang of cat ero111 ar tractor and road machine, for the 'oenefit of the
<br />fsrm srs of Orange County on a ron profit heals; and
<br />wHEREAH, thousands of acres oP Ors rage County have been terraced, and men ;"~
<br />miles oY private roads have been constructed; and ~-
<br />i
<br />'AfW': AS, it now apps era that it will not be possible durlna the coming
<br />months to obtain necessary parts and replacements Por said un1 t, whicY, con-
<br />dition will cause attempted co ntinuing opereti en to 'oe mast unsatl sfectory notl
<br />only to tY.e County, but also to the individuals who might desire the se rvt ces
<br />of Bald unit:
<br />NO}Y, THc;: FORE, St is ordered that furthsr op=ration of said to rrecSng owt-
<br />fit be dieconti nued until such time ae necessary supplies can to obtained wit1~-
<br />out conflict with government wer needs.
<br />It is further arde red that said unit 'oe sold at the best possible price,
<br />and in order to carry mtt seid sale the Chairman of the Coard oP County
<br />Ccmmissione r, the County Accoun to rat and the County Ferm Agent are hereby
<br />appoi rated a comities ~^1 th Pull av th orl ty to dispose oY the to rrscing outfit
<br />ecuipment now on hand to tY.e best poses ble ad.van tape.
<br />A road petition to the State Hl ghway Commis si.on for a road shout one mile
<br />in length in Orange County and one and one half miles Sn Per=_on, is hereby on
<br />motion approved as to Orange County and the petition delivered to the petition-
<br />ers who will ;resent to the State Highway Commissioners on Jan.. 13, 1bL2,
<br />which meets Sn Roxboro, N. C,
<br />The Hoard Considered the written request of Nr. 9, Carl Forrest for a
<br />reduction of a"b90.00 from tY.e price of the Cov my Home Farm, on account a
<br />shortage of 34~ scree in the survey. In view of the fact that t'--.e Board had
<br />sold the en tl re Farm at a price of $4600.00, without any reference to the
<br />acreage, on tCe tlon it is hereby ordered thet the seid re duc tl nn be not all owe ,
<br />On motion it Ss hs re by ordered thst George Lucas be paid $6.00 for 4 kid
<br />goats killed 'oy dogs.
<br />On motion a roed petition from Chanel H111 Town=_hip Clti zene to the State ~
<br />Highway Commission to take over Rogerson Drive Ss he re'oy approved and ordered
<br />sent to the State HS ghvray Commission at Aeleigh, N. C. -
<br />On motion it is hereby ordered th¢t Dr. H. N. Roberts be paid the sum of
<br />x25.00 for treeting Heywood SatterPl eld, Anti-Rabies, mad dog 'ol te.
<br />There 'oeing no further bu aineas on motion adJ ourned.
<br />J.. Ed Laws, Chelrman
<br />Attest: (-~",]~~ Ben F. }Yi]. son Commr.
<br />.~ Collier Cobb, Coamr.
<br />Clerk to 'the Board
<br />