Orange County NC Website
i. J.~ <br />L1II4UT~S CF THn. BOARD OF COi.i11IS SI0ei~F.S GF <br />ORAi:CE CC URTY <br />k;ONDAY, De cem'oer 1, 1941 <br />The Board met nt the usual hour, pres=nt Commi ssloners, J. Bd. Lan s, <br />Chairman, Ben. F, fail eon end Collier Cdbb, Jr.. Thu 1,il nutes of the Nov. <br />meeting were ra ad. ¢nd ¢pproven, <br />On Motion it 1s he re'oy ordered th s.t Nalker'e Fune rel Home be <br />532,50 for 'ours al of NS iliam Bove ns, <br />Miss Nood ward By¢r s, Home Demonstr¢ti on Aden t, submitted ¢ detai l.ed <br />report for Nocembe r, v;1 th an account for mate vials for SS,63. <br />'Report approved and account ordered paid. <br />On Motion St is he re'ny orde rFd 55.00 'oe refunded to Ollie }'111 ke rson, <br />error in colic cling 1l can se tax. <br />The County Accountant presented to tY.e Board tY_e Hi llsbo re Townehlp <br />School bonds, issued as of July 1, 1$21, in the total amount of $lOG,G0O.00, <br />and reported to the Board that said Sssuee had. been Sn full, together ~~+S th <br />all Coupons thereof. The Chairman of the Board carefully checked the said <br />bonds, and found all bond e, numbered, ens to one hundrefi Snclu el ve, to 'oe <br />present and duly ms.nced paid. It is th~rFfore upon Motion orCommis=_1 on=r <br />1'1/1 son, duly seconded 'oy Comr. Co oo and unanimously passed. It 1s ordered <br />that maid. issue of Hill shorn Tov: nship School Bonds d.a led July 1- 1921; <br />together with the paid interest coupor. s, be de stroysd by 'ouraing, The action <br />'oeing imme dl etely taken In the nre sen ce oS the Board, <br />On Motion 12 Ss he re'oy ordered 55,00 be sent to the Childrens Home <br />at Greensboro, N. C „ and S5.00 td the Ca swe 1.1 Training School, at Kinston, N.t <br />Ordered that Halter Dodson be paid "x7.00 for turkeys kill ed by dog.=„ <br />Grde red C. N, Cerra tt 'be pain $7,00 for turkeys killed by doge, <br />Ord egad that L. G. yr1111eme 'be Wald $6,00 for 2 turkey=_ killed 'oy dogs, <br />G, '1.. Ray, County Accountant submitted an Stemi zed report of sll Bud gat <br />appropri etl ons and the amounts used by each department as cf Dec. 1, 1941. <br />Carl 0. Devi s, Orange County tax collector, re nor tad s total levS' for <br />1941, as of Dec. 1, of 5167, 179, 8D, with collectl or s, vale a-=es and disccu nts <br />as of Dec. 1, of 550,644.55, leavl ng an uncollected 'oelan ce ae of Dec, 1, <br />of 5116,535..24 <br />Reeoluti on <br />Nhereae, the Board of Education by resolution duly pa=sad at their meeting <br />oa December I-st 294I,have requ anted oertaia ohangea in the fiche al Budget <br />for I94i -Z 9421 and <br />r71'ter ens said requ eat ed ohangea Done titute a reduction in the <br />total amount o£ the said Budg at; (Commisei oner) <br />Now,therefare upon moti oa of ~obb,dvly aacondad by <br />commissioner lY it son, and unanimov eIly paased,it Se ordered that the sum o£-- <br />~3,000,00 be transferred from Sop ool Capital Outlay to Bopo of Debt Service <br />FuLd,ia the Soho of Budget for the year I9bI- I942~ also that thw original <br />Capital Outlay,a~ovntfng to$56, 994, 92 be, and the same Se further reduc d <br />by the am oust of $5.2~, th84e making the Budget-as approved by this reeoly ~on <br />for Soho of Cap6ta~1 dv lay, $53.989.78,and debt aervic e,amovnt$2~. 292.5I <br />Copy oY this resolution will be car ti ti edby the Clerk to thin Hoard, <br />to both Superintendent of Education and the County Accountant <br />There being no further bu siaese on motion adj ovrned, <br />J Ed.Iswa <br />Chairman <br />Copier CobbJr <br />Commissioner <br />AtL`,+~e~ts,Lrp„// /,g~~/ Ben B.YVilson <br />f'y9~',(CJ~C/!r{/t (,y~(„VV Commi s e i oner <br />Clerk to Board <br />