Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />XI?:L. S C5 ^..._ HC.v?^ C^ CCiC:i'cHi CI1~FH CF C5":GP CC U;i^?, <br />iC04:DAY Sept. 1, 1c41, <br />The Hcarc met et 1C o'c1ceL A, ::: Pre spot Commr s, J. 8d La~,~. s, Chatr-n an, <br />Han F,. CI11e o^ enc. Collier Ccbb, Jr ., <br />The 11±nnte= of the Au _.: st meet.n vie re read corrected and apnro-re c., <br />On 6iotion of Commis=_loner "i11;on, se co r.&ed by Co.^..aieeionar CaS6, Dr. <br />"A. S. Chrisman o_* Ci;apel fi111, 14. C „ 15 hsr;'cy appo In red Ln spe ct or for The <br />?Sed,-sat Pedci r.c ?lant ±: Or¢nge County. <br />On motlcn 1t is here'oy ordered thst e rete it beer 1l ce nsa be sr.=.n t=d to <br />Lou 1s Dan:e1 to retail ~oeer at h1=_ filling Stat Y:n o= Stat=_ fi"_. h:eay Ne. 05. <br />A road ;.?tit_on frog Citl re ns of HS'_lsbo ro ~ ono Tr+:n ;h_p a_rl ng for the <br />Stara H1 y.v+ay Comn!ssion to ocen u.> ard. meintain a road appro:-.icetel;y 1/7,!10 <br />miles - .':'~~- "n:^ the St. Ltary's n.^sd, re err tY.e nr. c!c Hou=_e Sn e ;iort hwe =_te rl <br />direc tlon toth=_ Clu'o fiou se Roed i=_ hF.^c oy on mo tton aapro ved and. ordered srn <br />to the Stare 31 g:~•a'ay Comm SSSio^ at iial=_!. ^. <br />J, H. 31cAdams, Supt. of the County Homer, reports 5 wh'_tes a.^.d 1 colared <br />Snmatee, <br />Gn .ro tt on of Comr.". esl ~~er Cobb, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and <br />passed. The Chairman of the Hoard is re ou a=red tc appoint on appraisal <br />Comm Lttee o_° three ne: eo ns to!se all nerson¢1 property o° the County <br />at the County Home, al=_o the reel estate and. repcrt to thi=_ Hoard ¢t en <br />ac,)ourned me=tine on Sept. 15, 1eL1, <br />F:i. C, Hurt, Colcrec: Farce Agent submitted e fietai led report of aL work <br />and a pro spe et±ve trip to be me.r'.e on Sept, 2, 1^^-.41, Report a,;lmcved. <br />Joe H., Hor:ard, Terraclrg Agent, Reports <br />Acr==_ to rreced 50 <br />Fset of Te rr ace_ bunt l0 050 <br />Farm Hoed lark ed 12 <br />Charged for ~::crl: cu rl n= Hug, a',~5. 90 <br />Collected 3?°., L.5 <br />~xpen ses <br />Pald for labor 2'6. .05 <br />F~.ael ar.c Sa pplied ~4, C0 <br />Perts enfi reuaire cS, Sj <br />Cash on hard 82.'4 <br />~~ <br />~ <br />Uncollected Hills (111. <br />1 <br />D'.ie on mach+_ne note ,j007_ <br />.`E port aapraVed End ordered i11e d, <br />The account of S. P. LocR:a rt, Por „37,50 dem!•..g_s by 6dvrard Kirslarr_ <br />dog, 1s 're 1c over un*.11 ;Sr s. g1 rr1¢.^.c ca.:: be not1:'ied tl:=_ re ou creme nt o3 t'r.e <br />The repcrt of the Grand Jury for t'-:= Ausu et term :cas submitted h;; t::e <br />Clerk of the Court the, same 1s h'_g?+1y commenced a.°.d ordered filed in report <br />Hooii i:o, - <br />G, H. Bay, County Accountant suhmittad a fu7.1 report of all epFr"cori at <br />and disburse cents of all De partme r.ts f0~ tY:? won t?: a` July and of Au c:; st, <br />'.=port ¢~~pro ved and ordered flied in report Hook 'io. k. <br />Carl C, Davis, Tex Collector, raper tad ems. cri_'n~i levy fur 1?40- of <br />$i5^,-, co 3.87, xith all penalties ant collective orders mering e total o? <br />$101,947.01, and. call.ecticr.s, discount=_ and rei.eases of 14j,39e.52 <br />1ea•J i,-:z err. unco ll acted 'Dal ance of 10, 79B. ,j5 <br />Calla ctec on 19"9 Tax. Au ~. ~'_, 1~'-: .»?0 -'o <br />Coll act ec on 190 Tas i.ce, 31, 19L1 .a0j3 p <br />3epo rt a_provec a.d. ordered filed in r?;:or- boo'c Plo, 4. <br />l7, T. i.!attox, County erupt „ Puolte i1`e liar=, came befa^? th=_ Bard erne re- <br />Farted that he had mace sari sf a.c tor,; arras gem-nts for the ~pi.~ and care of <br />tl:=_ matee of the Coc my Home, not elagible for old sg=_ p<_:: =.ion, <br />Tha lollrsi ng names vrere dravrn to sa rve et tk:~,: October C!^11. Term of <br />Court, Which convenes on September 2^y, 1941, to=nit; <br />~s <br /> <br />(CCllTiF1U1'D` <br />