Orange County NC Website
oo~ <br />:,.:, <br />___:; <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMI55IONERS <br />MAY 18, 198]. <br />i ~ <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session <br />Monday, May 18, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. in the Superior Courtroom, Orange - <br />County Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners present: Commissioner Anne Barnes, Chair, and Com- <br />missioners Norman Gustaveson, Richard Whitted and Don Willhoit. ' <br />Commissioners absent: Commissioner Norman Walker <br />The purpose of the meeting was to receive public comment on the <br />use of the Old Courthouse located in Hillsborough. Commissioner Barnes <br />presided over the meeting and introduced Commissioner Whitted who gave <br />a brief description of the process the County had gone through in the <br />previous six years (since 1975) regarding the facility study undertaken <br />by architect Joe Nassif. Following his recap, Commissioner Whitted <br />turned the meeting over to Commissioner Barnes. <br />`-Commissioner Barnes clarified the architect's recommendation on - <br />renovation of the Old Courthouse to return it to its original..use as <br />a courthouse, noting that the intention of the Board was to maintain, <br />preserve and enhance the historic character of the building.- <br />Commissioner Barnes asked for the names of those who wished to speak <br />regarding the Old Courthouse and asked that they speak into the microphone. <br />Mayor Fred Cates, Town of Hillsborough: Mayor Cates read a state- <br />ment sum:~iarizing the founding of Hillsborough from the original land grant. <br />Mayor Cates said the County did net have title to the land the Old Court- <br />house occupies and consequently does not have title to the. Old Courthouse <br />S <br />either, therefo:^e, he contended, the public meeting was out of ordar. <br />t+lr. Wade Barbour, District Attorney: Mr. Barbour said the present <br />facilities were inadequate and the County needed mare Court facilities. -- <br />Dr. Blake, of the Museum Board: Expressed gratitude to the Town of <br />Hillsborough Board of Commissioners for its contention that Orange County <br />does not own the Old Courthouse; he agreed with Mayor Cates that this was <br />an improper proceeding. <br />r <br />N <br />