Orange County NC Website
~~7~ <br />' _; ~1 ~t t3 <br />MINUTES <br />MAY 11, 1981 <br />a <br /> <br />s <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session <br />on Monday, May 11, 1981, at 7:30 P.M., Superior Courtroom, Orange County <br />Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners present: Commissioner Anne Barnes, Chair, and Com- <br />missioners Norman Gustaveson, Norman Walker, Richard.Whitted and Oon <br />4Ji11 hoit. <br />Commissioners absent: None. <br />The purpose o.f the meeting was to allow Mr.• opposed ~o <br />the location of, the Midway Airport and Industrial Park the opportunity to <br />uresent their views, and to have a Board work session on the proposed Zonin; <br />Ordinance, Land Use Plan and Atlas now before the County. <br />Commissioner Barnes presided and welcomed the audience to the <br />meeting. She announced the public hearing scheduled on the Land Use <br />Plan for June 4, 1981, and said those speaking tonight would be permitted <br />twenty minutes for each presentation, those for and those opposed would be <br />permitted forty minutes total. <br />Mr. Fred Hazard: Presented a slide show of the site in question and said <br />he would like the area to be zoned industrial; as it stands presently the <br />airport would be non-conforming. <br />~':-. ~.obert Farrington: NC Wing of the Civil Air Patrol: Said the Civil <br />Air Patrol endorses this airport. <br />Mr. Bob Cheshire: President of the Stonebrook hlcmeowner's Association: <br />Said this subdivision presently had sane problems with low-flying planes <br />and voiced some concern over potential noise from the proposed airport. <br />h1r. Y.en Medley: Pilots' Association: Stated his personal opinion that <br />the economic-social impact of the airport at this site was favorable and <br />zoning was needed to produce a good airport. <br />This was the conclusion of those speaking favorably of the site for <br />Midway Airport. <br />