Orange County NC Website
70 <br />(? J ~•' ~ <br />MINUTB~ <br />APRIL 27, 1981 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioner met in regular session on <br />P1onday:Apri1 Z7, 1981, at 7:30 P.M., in the Commissioners' Room, Orange <br />County Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners present: Commissioner Anne Barnes, Chair, and Com- <br />missianers Norman Gustavesan, Norman.Walker, Richard Whitted and Don <br />Willhoit. <br />Curr~issioners absent: None. <br />Commissioner Barnes presided aver the meeting. <br />Agenda Item I: Board modification of the Agenda <br />Commissioner Willhoit added an item on recycling. <br />Agenda Item 2: Audience Comments <br />A. Matters on the agenda: Ms. ,]osephine harbour wished to comment <br />~~n items 4 and 5; Messrs. Wright, Ray and Kenyon wished to address the Board <br />^.~; It~m a. <br />8. Matters not on the agenda: Ms. Barbour discussed the Capital <br />Improvements Plan and asked the Board when it -vould hold a public hearing <br />on the Old Courthouse. Commissioner Barnes told Ms. Barbour that the <br />Board date of the public meeting on the Old Courthouse wauld be set at <br />,.~ ?ray 4th meeting. <br />Agenda Item 3: Clerk Submits Minutes of A ril 6, I981 <br />Mee ing. <br />Cc;^missioner Willhoit moved to approve the Minutes or P.pril G a;; <br />~ubmittad; Ccamissioner Whitted seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, <br />o. <br />Agenda Item 4: Northern Oran a Career Develo meet <br />Program. <br />i~r. G.C. Corbett addressed the Board on the Northern Orange Career <br />«•deiopment Program, outlining the year's accomplishments, i.e. field trips, <br />a resource room, and various programs on careers. He stated that all per-. <br />sans involved want to continue the program. Commissioner Barnes reminded <br />Mr. Corbett of County deadlines for funding requests. Ms. Barbour did <br />nct speak. <br />