Orange County NC Website
.. ; 1_ ~ .. M.. <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />APRIL 21, 1981 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session <br />on Tuesday, April 21, 1981, at 7:30 P.M., in the Superior Courtroom, <br />Orange County Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners present: Commissioner Anne Barnes, Chair, and Com- <br />missioners Norman Gustaveson, Norman Walker, Richard Whitted and Don <br />Willhoit. <br />~' <br />Agenda Item 1: Board modification of a enda <br />No Board member wished to modify the agenda for this meeting. <br />Agenda Item 2: Audience Comments <br />A. Matters on the agenda: <br />Maggie Dodson and Lindsay Tapp wished to speak to agenda item 3; <br />Dr. Sarah Dent, Bill Lessig and Clyde Jones wished to speak to agenda <br />item 11; Mr. Cox was present for agenda item 12-A; Ms. Hayes and Ms. <br />Fuller were present for agenda item 14. <br />B. Matters not on the agenda: <br />There was no one present who wished to speak to matters not on the <br />agenda. <br />Agenda Item 3: DOT's Secondar Road Pro ram <br />Mr. Watkins of the Department of Transportation addressed the Board. <br />Mr. Watkins stated that he had contacted various schoo'1 maintenance per- <br />sonnel and receiā€¢red their concerns about roads and passability for school <br />buses. Mr. Watkins said he was confident that the DOT,could.adequately <br />;~eet the schools' concerns for safety an these roads from maintenance <br />monies. Commissioner 4ihitted asked Mr. Watkins`if the State increased <br />funding for the secondary road program how would that change the pro- <br />gram as presented far Orange County. Mr..Watkins did not know;:he asked <br />that the Board reconsider the UOT's program for paving Tapp Road. Com- <br />missioner Willhoit moved to approve the DOT's secondary road program as <br />presented by Mr. Watkins on March 23rd (to pave 5R 1125--Tapp Road); <br />Commissioner Walker seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. Both <br />Ms. Dodson and Mr. Tapp spokz to the Board prior to the vote but after the <br />