Orange County NC Website
r+ i~ ~ r <br />f.° 5 ~ ~; ~y; L: <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMI55IONERS <br />APRIL 13, 1981 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session <br />on Monday, April 13, 1981, at 7:30 P.M., in the Commissioners' Room, <br />Orange County Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners present: Commissioner Anne Barnes, Chair, and <br />Commissioners Norman Gustaveson, Norman Walker, Richard Whitted and <br />Don Willhoit. <br />Commissioner Barnes presided over the meeting. <br />Agenda Item 1: OPC-Mental Health Irani; Request <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved to approve a request from OPC Mental <br />Health Agency that it be permitted to apply fora Federal Grant in the <br />amount of $12,683 far the Chapel Hill High School Project (n 09- <br />279-D07-J002~; Commissioner Whitted seconded the motion. Vote: ayes, <br />5; noes, ~. <br />~- Agenda Item 3: Grant A lication far the Summer Youth <br />m loyment Pro ram. <br />Mr. Ernest Mangum, CETA Director, addressed the Board on this <br />request. Commissioner Wi}lhoit moved to ask the County staff to file <br />a grant application for a summer youth employment program and to empower <br />the Chair to sign such a contract; Commissioner Whitted seconded the <br />motion. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />The County Manager told the Board there was some concern over this <br />application and its impact on the hiring freeze imppsed by the Board an <br />April b, 1981. Mr. Mangum told the Board there were no County funds <br />involved; it was 100% Federally funded. Commissioner Willhoit, noting <br />the 100% Federal funds, moved to assert that this was one of those <br />exceptions to the hiring freeze. in that it did not involve any County <br />monies; Commissioner Whitted seconded that motion. Vote: Ayes, 5; <br />noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 2: Capital Improvements Plan Work_Session <br />The Manager and the Finance Director addressed the Board on the <br />