Orange County NC Website
_...- - <br />~_.~~x.. <br />..• <br />._. -.•- <br />F • ,' i~ ~~ ...3 nJ <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session <br />on Monday, March 23, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. in the Superior Courtroom, <br />Orange County Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. - - <br />Commissioners present: Commissioner Anne Barnes, Chair, and Com- <br />missioners Norman Gustaveson, Norman Walker, Richard Whitted and Don <br />Willhoit. _ <br />Agenda Item 1: The De artment of Trans~rtation_WiTl Re- <br />view a Pro osed Seconaar Road Pro ram <br />For Fisea Year 1981-198 . <br />Messrs. Watkins, Fleming and Jones of the Department of Transportation :1 <br />presented the proposed Secondary Road Program to the Board (see page ~ a~ <br />of this bobk3. Mr. Watki'ns's.poke far DOTS saying the-usual budget for <br />Secondary Roads State-wide was 150 to 200 million dollars; this year. <br />10 million dollars is available State-wide. He said he felt sure that <br />more money would be available from the General Assembly after July 1 <br />and DOT would return then with a new list of priorities. In response <br />to a question from the Board, Mr. Watkins agreed that it was a very small <br />list and said Tapp Road was chosen because ii: had been approved last year <br />and funds allocated to it; DOT had just finished acquiring the rights-of- <br />way necessary to begin paving the first half approved last year. He said <br />DOT had selected Tapp Road because it didn't make sense to pave one half <br />of a road. He said maintenance of the existing secondary road system was <br />DOT's priority, not'new construction. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said he felt the existing roads should be <br />strengthened and not spend the money on one sma19 road. Commissioner <br />Whitted asked Mr. Watkins the budget request for secondary road construction. <br />Mr. Watkins,"Zero." He elaborated--money for maintenance of the system was <br />requested--the same amount as last year and agreed with Commissioner Whitted <br />tf~at it would mean less maintenance. <br />Ms. Lee Ricketts of the Joppa Oaks Subdivision, told the Board and DOT <br />of the unpaved roads in her neighborhood and asked what would be done to <br />pave them. She was told that DOT would not take them over until they were <br />h <br />i <br />