<br />MONDAY AUGUs"T 4, 1941.
<br />The Board met at the ueual. hour present Commrs. J. Ed Laws, Chairman,
<br />Hen F. Wilson and Collier Cobb, Jr.• The minutes of the regular westing on
<br />July 7 and the adjourned meeting on July 14, Caere read and approved,
<br />On Motion Commie si ~~er Cobb le hereby appointed to confer with Unive rsi t;
<br />offs ce re and that he and the Unioe rei ty officials take the matter up wi th 'the
<br />State Highway Commissioners to ends avor to get action upon the Airport road
<br />at once.
<br />Miss Hyare, Home Demonstrat loo Agent submitted her July report with an
<br />expense account of $15.24 Por m¢teri ale used. Report approved and acc ount
<br />ordered P11sd.
<br />Joe N. Howardsubmi tted his July terracing report as follow e, to-wit:
<br />Acrea Terraced 23
<br />Feet terraced '7600
<br />Hoada worked 12
<br />Charged for work done 260.00
<br />Collected 296.50
<br />Expenses 173.56
<br />Cash on hand $33.00
<br />Accounts uncollected 1009.65
<br />The Supt. oP the County Homa reported 9 inmates; 6 white & 3 colored.
<br />On Motion of Commissi over Cobb, duly seconded by Commissioner Wilson,
<br />it Se hereby ordered that the County Home be cloeed Sept. 30, 1941; and the
<br />Supt. of Welfare Ss hereby in struoted to arrange Ppr the care of all of the
<br />inmates under the ol,d age Pension Act. ,+/.w `~ t.G,~.~4. T aw o~~.ar ~ .-+^C aM
<br />M. C, Burt, Colored Farm Agent presented a del sited report oP all July
<br />work. Asport S.e hereby approved and ordered filed.
<br />Carr C, Davis, Tax Coll color, reported a total tax levy for 1940 of
<br />"x161,720.79, with collects on e, r^leasea and dl ecoun to to Augu at let, of
<br />5136,602.56, leaving an .uncollec tad bas. on 1940 Taxes of "x22,917.93•
<br />Report aporo ved and ordered Piled Sn Hook No. 4,
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cobb, duly seconded by Commiesi oner WS ison,
<br />and unanimously adopted, all msmbers voting in the affl rmativ e, the follo~.aing
<br />re solu lion Se adopted 1eving the lazes Por the year 1941-1842; to-wit•
<br />On eaoh poll the cum of $2.00
<br />Bp each Yam ale dog the avm oP 2.00
<br />On each male dog the cum of 1,•00
<br />For General County Purpoaea the sum oP .137
<br />For Public Health Purposes the sum of 03
<br />For Superior Court and Jail purpo see the sum of :
<br />0
<br />For General County Debt Service the cum of •215
<br />For School Current Expensea the cum of .06
<br />For School Capital Outlay the cum of .14
<br />For School Debt Service the sum of .155
<br />For t4elfare purposes the aum oP .20
<br />The above making a County wide rate of $1.00 on each $100.00 valuation.
<br />In Addition to the above levies, the mazium amounts of taxes levied and
<br />allowed under Schedule B, oP the 1941 Ae venue Act, are hereby levied Por
<br />Orange County sod the Tax Colleotor is instructed to collect the same.
<br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commis si.oner Cobb, and
<br />unanimously adopted, all members be log present and voting i.n the afPlrmative,
<br />the following appropriation reaolu ti on is adopted:
<br />That Orange County a propriate for tta budget for the fiscal year,
<br />begs nning July 1, 1941, and ending June 30, 1942, the following amounts,
<br />to-wit;
<br />For Gene rei County Fund the cum oP $17,670.00
<br />For Public Health Fund the evm oP 4,500.00
<br />For Superior Cou:-t and Jail the sum oP 7,65o.co
<br />For County Debt Service the sum of 33,327.50
<br />For Gel ary Fund the sum of 21,170.00
<br />For School Current Expense rand the sum 27,109.00
<br />For School Capital Outlay 'Fund the eum 21,929.76
<br />For School Debt Service the sum of 26,292.51
<br />For Welfare Fund the sum of 33,902.67
<br />In making this appropriation from the County Finds of $33,902.67 for Welfare
<br />