Orange County NC Website
_. ,, <br />MINUTE5 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF. COMMI5S10NER5 <br />FEBRUARY 17, 1981 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in session <br />on February 17, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. in the Superior'Gourtrnom, Orange <br />County Courthouse, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners present: Commissioner Anne Barnes, Chair, and Com- <br />missioners Norman Gustaveson, Norman Walker, Richard Whitted and Don <br />Willhoit. <br />Commissioner Barnes .called the meeting to order. <br />Agenda Item 1: Does an Board member 'desire to than e <br />' t is.agenda? <br />Commissioner Barnes suggested .the.execut'ive session follow the two <br />public hearings scheduled as agenda iter~rs 5 and 19 and the two puU1ic <br />hearings' be consecutive.' _ <br />Agenda Item 2: Does any member of the audie_n_ce__desire <br />to comment about <br />A. Matters an this agenda? <br />Mr. Marcus Hudson, representing Alert Cable T.V., said he wished to <br />speak to the Board on Agenda Item 7. Ms. Virginia Gregory said she <br />wished to speak to the Board an Agenda Item 10. <br />B. Matters not on this agenda? <br />Ms. Ann Hadley of Efland Estates said she would like to know what <br />the Gommissioners were doing about Efland Estates' waste pra6lem. Com- <br />missioner Barnes told her the Board had employed an Qngineer to do a pre- <br />liminary study of the site and to recommend a number of options to the <br />Board. The engineer had done so and had been authorized to pursue HUD <br />Imminent Threat Grant funds far Efland for a local solution to the pro- <br />blem. The Community Development Director told the Board that the Efland <br />Subdivision had organized a Homeowners' Association and .elected officers <br />An unidentified citizen said she wished to speak to the budget but <br />it was not an the agenda as she had thought it was. The Assistant County <br />Manager, Mr. Bradshaw, said a memo circulated this week had indicated there <br />would be budget hearings tonight but it was in error. The citizen did not <br />