<br />LiONDAY JllLY
<br />The Hoard met at tha usual hour, pre se rt J. Ed Law E, Ca111er Cobb, Jr„ end Her,
<br />F, t711son, The minutes oY tY.e Jun_ meeting were read end. approved,
<br />On Ltoti on Pre atop Roberts Ss granted. a ns rmene nt Poll Tex Exemntirn ',
<br />Certificate on account bf Physical diseb111t Y, ',
<br />On L4otl on, Ed Fearrington Ss Eranted = °r?= 1lcen se to sell and peddle
<br />u=_ed car psrts for 12 month.=_ from July 1, 1y41, on ec: ount of physic el dl sebi ll
<br />The account of Ltl lton G. Brewer for "x16.00 Yor 9 turke ye killed 'oy do¢s
<br />is declined an account of no turteys being listed for taxes 'oy Gir, Hre wer in
<br />1940- or 1941. The law reeuSrss same to 'oe listed Sf the County Days Yor thec
<br />being destroyed.
<br />On motl on it Se hereby ordered thet Earl Hughes 'oe paid $12.50 for 4 sheer
<br />killed by doge, same having ~oeen 1l sted for tares,
<br />The application of C, Ed. King to retail Heer et the 9ln Clair F1111ng
<br />Steticn an Durham-Chapel H111 Highway on Lfo ti6n is hereby epnroved,
<br />w, T, iladdox, Oranxe County '~7elYare Supt., su bmlt ted tae ap plicetions
<br />accepted and those re~e cted Yor Old Age As sl st ance, Also st sled that there we_
<br />on harm some sexing machines not 'oeing used and the Hoerd in=_t ruc led fdr.
<br />Liattox to try and Eell all surplus machines.
<br />A Road pe titlon from Chapel Hill Citl zene asking Ycr a road through the
<br />Forest H111s and We stwcod Developae^t 'oe added to State System;hevl ne been
<br />advl sed 'oy the Highway Com, that said road would be approved, On motion is
<br />her e'oy approved end ordered =_e nt to the locatin_ Engineer at Greensboro, N, C,
<br />Joe N, Howard, reported tY.zt the Terracing Pachlne had 'peen oae retec at
<br />a los_ and recomaended thet beginning July 1, a charge of x3.60 per hour be m.
<br />and a penalty of 5ro be added to all ecc ounts rv nnln_ over 30 deys. Seme Ss
<br />hersay approved End sc ordered.
<br />~. H. L:cAdar„s, Supt, County Hoq~e renorte 6 v+hSte Snma tes and 2 col orsd.
<br />/G, 1Y, Aay aubm St led a detaSled report of all Hud set aooroprlattons with
<br />the amounts used ar unused as of July 1, 1941. Re part approved and ordered
<br />f11ed,
<br />Carl C. Dav1 s, Oren.e County Tax Collector, reports a tot el levy Yor 1940
<br />of x161,481.29, with re Sea ses discounts end collections of $1?1, 874, 69, le avi:
<br />en uncollected balance oY as July 1, 1581, of $29,606.65. Report approved enc.
<br />ordered filed 1n Report Hook Plo, 4,
<br />n,
<br />~.he Boarc and the Hoard of Education met Sn Joint Se sslon for the Study
<br />of the 1941-1942 Hudge t. Varl Des items were chs cke c. over and as sec upon
<br />"out St WE.E egreed that the Hoard ad,jourr. and meet on July 14, for further
<br />consideration of t*_e 1941 - 1942 Hud.get and such other Hw+wti..:.; as maycome
<br />'oefcre the Hor-.rd,
<br /> The followl ng nerves were drawn oYS.July 7, 1941 , tb Eerve a_= Jurbrs at
<br />Augu st CS v11 Term, tc-vat:
<br />1. Otto R11ey H. H, 15. L!arlon Alexander C: H,
<br />2, Jno E. Lloyd BSn g, 17, L. P. Barber Hing,
<br />'i, Paul J, Reeves HB 15, Arthur T, Glo sson HSne_.
<br />4 Ro'o ert H, Breeze LR 19. Clyde P. Scott HB
<br />5. J, ;'!, Thomp_on CH 20, Eu¢ene
<br />y mean ni ng CG
<br />6, L. B. Kinz Cheeks 21. L.
<br />O: CrEb9ree HH
<br />7, B. H, Bullock CG 22. Leroy C. Hurchett HH
<br />S T H '~VetkSn=_ Eno 2=. V!. F. williame H5
<br />.
<br />9, J. B. Taylor Cheeks 2~. R, P. tEc Clemrock CH
<br />10. Clyde 5. Durham Bing. 25, H. fY. Brewer HH
<br />11, Settle Crawford Bing. 26. lu, Y1. Hlshop CH
<br />12. Jno E, Cerroll CH, 27. Louis Grebes CH
<br />1B. C., G. Johnston Cri, 26, J. C, Clayton CG
<br />1 R. A. Fe t2er CA 29. David. S, Garrard En9
<br />15, H. F, Sharpe Eno j0. Shell A. Hollowey Eno
<br />(CGJTIi<U'D)
<br />!e
<br />