Orange County NC Website
~ t~ <br />AcJ ou sasH ' ti n3 of the Hoerd =..~ay 19- S9SI <br />An adjourned regulsr meeting of the Heard of Commissioners far the County <br />of Orange convened at the County Courthouse Sn H1115boro, the reguler place of <br />meeting, at 10 o'clock A, M., rsay 19, 1941. <br />~.?resent; Chairman J. E. Lavrs and Commissioners Hen F. X411 son <br />Absent: Collier Cobb, Jr. <br />The Ch airmsn announced that this was the date and hour fixed by the Hoerd <br />for the public he a.ri ng upon the follorrl ng oond order: <br />OADEA 9UTHORI ZING 535,000 SCHOOL HUTLDIP:G RONDS <br />and that the Board would. immediately hear. any and all citizens and texpeye rs <br />who ml ght de sSre to protect egal nst the Sssu en ce oS seid 'oond s. <br />No citizen or taxpayer of the County appeared, either in per=_on or by <br />attorney, to protest egein st the issuance of any of =_a id 'oo nd s, and the Clerk <br />announced that no protest Sn wri tine signed "oy say cl ti zap or taxpayer has be <br />presented. <br />The reunon, upon moll on of Commis ei ~~er 1711 =_on seconded 'by C.ommiss inner L <br />and cerrled, .the order introduced and passefl on first reading on Me.y 5, 1941, <br />authors zing 535,000 School Huildinc Hond s, we=_ read a second time and placed <br />Sts fin el pa _sage. The vote upon tY,e fi n¢1 pe sage of ssld order vies: <br />Ayes; J. E. Laws, Hen F. 1411 son <br />Noes: tdone <br />The Ch al rman then announced that the order authorizing $35,000 School ~~i <br />Bui ldl ng Bond.s pesse d. .. '~, <br />The Clerk was the reunon directed to publ Seh in the Naws, once in each of ' <br />two su cce ss!.ve week=_, the bond order which haft been finally passed this day, an <br />to publish at the foot of said order the appended Hots as re ou Sred by .Section ~,, <br />19 of the County Finance Act. <br />' Thereupon Commissioner 'ililson introduced the follo::•ing re =_oluti on, vg±ch '~.., <br />wee read; I, <br />Ci.HGLUTiON ?ROViD ING FOA T}iE ISSUANCE OF $35,000 SCHCOL HIiiLDING 30117;5 ~'.. <br />HE iT AESOLV~D 'oy the Bo end of Commissioners for the County of Orange: ', <br />Sec lien 1. That the Hoard of Commissioners, after careful eon si deration, ', <br />has escert ai ned and found and does he re'oy declare: '.. <br />(a) That it Ss Smmedl ately necessary that Orange County, cell ng as an ad-', <br />mini stratlve ege nt of the State 1n prov?ding a Stets system of publ lc school s, ' <br />issue all of t`.ve $35,000 School. Ho Slding Bonds authorized by an order finally I, <br />passed May 19, 1941 for the purpose of providing cert alp school improvements in <br />said County. - <br />(b) That the school building and the ad ditSon to be erected pursuant to said <br />order aha11 'oe of pan-fi reproof co nstructl on as defl ned in the County Finance let <br />(c) That the period of the life of said 'ou'.lding and addition to be provi <br />ded Sn accordancw with seld order has been and is estSmat ed by this Hoard es a1 <br />period of thirty years, said pegs od 'oe ing competed from iiby 19, 1942, being a <br />date one year after the final oa seaee of said order. <br />Section 2. That for the nurpo se of providing the school improvements Sn ~ <br />accordance :;1 th slid order, vinleh Smnroveme nts have become ebe Dials ly ne cessaryj <br />in order to maintain the constitutional six months' school term as required by' <br />the Ht ate system of public schools, the re gotiable coupon ba^ds of Orange <br />County shall be i=_sued in the aggregate prin ci Dal amount of $35,000 designated <br />"School Bui ldl ng Bonds", consisting of 35 bonds of the denominet ion of $1,000 <br />each, numbered 1 to 35, inclusive, detect June 1, 19L1, and me.turing annually, <br />June 1, in numerical order, love st nurabe rs first, without option of prior pay- <br />ment, as follows: <br />$3,000 1942 to 1952, inclusive, and $2,000- 1953• <br />Section 3. That said School Hul lding Hoods shall 'Dear interest at e rate) <br />or rates not erceeding 6= per annum to be determined by the Local Government <br />Commission at the time the bonds are so lfl, which interest shall be payable <br />semi-annually on the first deye of June and December of eech ye er, 'ooth prircinal <br />and interest to be pays'o1e at the CENTRAL HsSiOVEA BAtiri ,k TRUST CGLL=A;IY, In i <br />New York City, in any coin or currency of the United States of America, which '~,, <br />(CONY iuJED) <br />