<br />LAY 5, 1941
<br />NonnnY -
<br />The Hoard met et the usual hour, present Commissioner J. Ed Laws,
<br />Chairman, Collier Cobb, Jr., and Bsn F. Clils on. The minutes oP the April
<br />Lies ti ng were read and approved,
<br />A Road petltl on to the State Highway Com¢assl on to open up a Road in
<br />Cheeks Tov:n ship beginning near Lee flri ghts mail box, via Grant Cobles farm
<br />to State Highway No. 119. On motion is approved and delivered to Mr, Coble
<br />who will pre sa nt the petition at the State Highwey Neeting in Greensboro,
<br />N. C„ on Nay 13, 1941.
<br />A toed pe tl tlon to the State Highx•ay Commission from CSt±zens of Little
<br />River Township to coastruet a secondary road, beginning approximately one-
<br />hzlf mile Southeast of Caldvrell School and running to the old Dee Lav.~a Home-
<br />place. This was at one time a public road, tut has not been kept up and Se
<br />now badly needed. On motion the petition is approved end ord_rad sent to the
<br />State Highway Commission,
<br />A road oe tition from Bingham Township Citizens to the Stat? Hi ghcray Com-
<br />mission, ask!na that the road from Crawfords Filling Station on State Highway
<br />X54, to tha Clover Garden Church be opened up. On motion the petition is
<br />hereby approved and ordered sent to the State Hlghvay Commission.
<br />A Road petition to the State Highwey Commis ei on to open up e road leadl rg
<br />from Bethel Baptist Church, a distance pf approximately 2 mile e, to the R'hl to
<br />Cross-Hail sboro Road, via of Dod sons Crass Roads. There being no road facil-
<br />ities for the section, living 'oe tween the two road e. On motion the petition
<br />is hereby approved and ordered sent to the Stets Highway Commission.
<br />Joe N. Howard, eubmi trod a complete repot Sor the month of Apzll, showing
<br />charged for work Sn April 5321. ~5 ~- - Collected 545, 16; Paid for repairs,
<br />labor and fuel 5359 13;, Cash on bond 5121.60, ace runts due 5746.93.
<br />Report approved and ordered filed.
<br />On Notion of Commissioner Co'bt, duly seconded by Commissioner i911son and
<br />unan!mou sly passed, the Cie rk to this Hoard is hereby ordered to prepare a
<br />list of Tax pays re, who have paid 1940 tax, to be used by this Hoe.rd at the
<br />June ms sting to rev!se the Jury list as required by the Statutes.
<br />Nr. 5, A, Johnson, Trustee oS Orenee County Road Hond Fund appeared
<br />before the board and pre eon red thirteen bonds of 51000.00 par value each, sagte
<br />being Noe. 36, 37, 54. 55, B6, 91. 92, 93, 94, 111,211,212 ~ 239, which bonds
<br />were duly canceled as to principal only. This the 5 dey of Ney, 1941, of tha
<br />foregoing bonds, Eleven were aceuired by the sl nking fund, during th_ fiscal
<br />year, July 1,1.939 to June 0, 1y40, and too of said bonds were acquired during
<br />the current ii seal year 1<j~- 1941.
<br />Zn Accordance with a Resolution passed by the Hoard at its regular
<br />Larch 3, 1941, as to the HaaY, agreement to be filed, the said agreement was this
<br />day filed. Having been approved by the County Attorney and Se hereby mode a
<br />part of the minutes oP this meeting, to-wit:
<br />I
<br />LELiORANDtiN OF AGAEELT;IJT, Nade and entered into this the jrd day of Larch,
<br />1941, by and between the Board of County Commis _ioners of Or¢nge County, North
<br />Carolina, perry of the first part, end the Durham Hank & Trust Compeny of
<br />Durham, North Carolina, party of the second part; t'iITNESSETH,
<br />T"nat whereas, the Durham Bank & Trust Company (HS llsbero Hranch) has been
<br />de ei gne.ted as the official depository bank for the Yunds of Orenge County, as
<br />will appear by resolution oY the Board of County Commissioners this day duly
<br />adopted and recorded 1n the minutes of said Hoard; and whereas, a part of Eze
<br />consideration for said act on the part of the Hoard of County Comni esi oners pas
<br />an offer and agreement by the Durham Bank & Trust ComFa ny to deposit satisfact-
<br />ory collateral in escrow, sold collateral to consist of bonds of the United
<br />States, bonds of t}:e State of North Carolina, or bonds of counties or cities
<br />xy thin sold State wh lch hove been duly approved by the North Carolins Local
<br />Government Commission as satisfactory collateral to an amount of not less than
<br />Sao, 000.00 par value.
<br />Now, therefore, St Ss hereby agreed that the said Durham Benk & Trust
<br />Company, of Durham, North Ce rollna, does deposit in escrow with 'E'ne F13e1 ity
<br />Bank of Durham, North Carolina, bonds to the amount of 831,000.00 par value,
<br />a6 shown by the attached inventory, x~hich inventory Se made a pert of thi=_
<br />ogre emsnt ~u st ae Sf some had been herein set forth in itemized form, wh±ch
<br />deposit is made under and in accordance with the provisions of Section ljj4(~0)
<br />of the Consolidated Statutes oY North Carolina, and ame ndmentsthereto, said
<br />bonds to be held by The Fidelity Bank of Durham, North Carolina, for the benefi
<br />CONTSN~~D ON R~:Y.T ?AGE
<br />