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<br />hONDAY, t.:ARCri 3, 19L1, ,
<br />The Hoard met at the usual hour, present Commis=_ioners, J.. Ed. Levs,
<br />Chel rman, Ben F. 1Yl lson end Collier Cobb, Jr., The minutes of the last
<br />meeting were read and approvefi.
<br />The mn tt_r of the County 'ouy!ng or renting a Rock Crusher, having been
<br />referred to Comm+, ssi oner Cob'o at a pro vl ous meeting, asking that he Snve stiaF
<br />the anprox!mete cost of ownership and rental was ag21n presented to the Hoa rn
<br />Comml ssi oner Cobb Reports that to 'ouY a new Rock Crusher will cost app rorimat
<br />52490.00 and rental $5.00 per day, After much discussion by theHOa rd, ile ss rs
<br />Robe its and Joe N. Hov;ard, o£ the Farm Agents ofPl ce, the matter Ss continued
<br />to a later date, hop in¢ to come to a definite de cl si on by July 1, 1941,
<br />Ordered that the County pay 9. C, Forrest 53.00 for 1 turkey killed by d.
<br />xTBU»:tBZZSwxii~l~ASOp43t?orixixxHeRezvxHrieri3~civd~ly=`evYO"p6e~xEo%+'Ti~:
<br />The following resolution was duly offered by Commissl oner wileon and se-
<br />conded 'oy Comm Se sinner Cotib and unan Smou sly adopted, wl th all mem ~'oers 'oeing
<br />pro se nt and voting in the afflrmetive:
<br />flHEREAS, Section 1334(70) of the North Carolina Consolidated Statutes
<br />authorizes, empowers end directs the Hoard of County Commissioners locale ct
<br />and designate annually by recorded resolution eome bank or trust company Sn
<br />this State as an official depository of the funds of the County:
<br />NOV+, THEREFORE, IT IS ACCOHDIiJGLY ORDERED that the Durham Bank & Trust
<br />Company (Hillsboro Branch) be, end the said Benk is hereby, specifically de-
<br />signated as the official depo sl tory of the funds of Orange County for the
<br />period begs nning the 2nd, day of Decemoe r, 1940, end ending on the 1st. day
<br />of December, 1941.
<br />It is further ordered that said de si gneti on Ss co ndi tinned u~en the ex-
<br />ecution end fiellvery of a depository agreement 'oy the Durham Bank and Trust
<br />Company vd th Orange County, under the terms and pr ovl sl ons o_° wh SCh said
<br />Durham Hen7c & Trust Company ca 11 place va th the FS de ll ty Hank of Durham; North
<br />Caro ll na, as Yru =_tee, North Caroline State Honds and/or United Sts tee Governmer
<br />Bonds in the amount of not less than $30,000.00 par value,
<br />Zt is further ordered that the Chairman of th7s Hoe rd, together c7th the
<br />Clerk to this Hoard, be, and. they hereby are, authorized to execute sa.1d de-
<br />pository agreement in the name ~f Orange County end to ef__*ix the seal of sell
<br />Covnty to the agreement. After said agreement Ss duly executed Sn tr1p11 ca te,
<br />copy thereof shall 'oe recorded as a pert of the mina tee of this Board, after
<br />w'hl ch said copy shall 'oe carefully preserved by County Accountant.
<br />It Ss Purth er ordered that G. G, Bivln s, Treasurer oS Orange County, is
<br />hereby directed to neposlt dGily in the aforesaid Durham Hank & Trust Company
<br />(Hillsboro Hranch) any and all funds or money 'oe l.ongi ng to the County of Oren ge
<br />or any subdivl slon thereof, received or collee tad ~oy him as re ouiren under the
<br />provi =_l ons of Section 13'74(70) of the Con sollfiated Statutes of North Car oil na.
<br />A road pe tetl on to the State Highway Com, to take over anfi surface treat
<br />a road approri mat sly 1 3/4 miles leading from the w, A, Andrews F!11!ng'St atic
<br />on State Highway No, 70 to the old Hi ghvray et the Cre btree farg:, on motion !s
<br />hereby approved and ordered eent to the D!vi si on Engl near ( T. A. Hurton), et
<br />Greensboro, N. C.
<br />Yt, T, Eiattox, County R'elfare Supt„ made a de tel led report, submitting a
<br />number of letters from the State fte if are Dept, in regard to the Various
<br />quarters of the We l.fare Department in Orange County. The Clothing room add the
<br />Commodity room Ss spa cl ally inappropriate and not satisfactory as well es the
<br />general office., hoping that some steps may 'oe taken at once to improve the
<br />same, He also presented the Certificstes of all deaths, approvals and refusals
<br />of the Nelfere Board to Warch 1, 1?4i,
<br />l41 ss Byar a, Home Demonstratl on Agent, submitted a detailed monthly report
<br />with an ezpen se account of 55.39 for materials used, the report on motion Se
<br />approved end the account arde red paid,
<br />G Y1, Aay, County Aoc ountant, submitted e full report of all Hudeet
<br />approprietl ons for each department, the amounts used and 'oal ¢nces unused as
<br />of 73arch 1, 19h1,. Report is hereby approvefi and ordered filed wl th the
<br />proper reports.
<br />Carl C, Devi s, Orange Covnty Tax Collector reported a total fist of all
<br />1940 taxed of S16o,B59,5s
<br />r.1 th collections- discounts & releases of 114,367,09
<br />heaving an uncollected balance of tiarch 1, 46,li92.h9
<br />Report on mot±on is approved and ordered filed with the proper reports.
<br />(CCMTItJLF,D)
<br />