Orange County NC Website
xG` <br />La IC ~;^~S v- _.-... n56Ew GF CCl TS3T0.^:°_=.S Ca ^2;ke CUUIiTv <br />:ion:: aY. :E'rr us rp a, i;Fl. <br />THE ref ¢t i0 A. :+.., prE SEnt, Con:n_-:_onars, J. Ed iaa+6, C??ai: man, <br />HEr. ''.7!16c:. and CD111Er Ce'c t, ~.., ~,... .;anutee c° tc Jznu=..*;' m=_et1 _ eErE <br />rE ad and 3~pr DVC-d. <br />Son S. L:a t'.'=son Ccun - Ag?nt sztm'_t :=_d an Annual ar.d "~~ Lra`= <br />~6 po^*.., v..•;'_ch. 15 highly cometEnded and ordered _LSEd ra tY. the crops*v ::p,~.' , <br />Joe :Jx;ard r._*.h 'pozq .. Grin & ClydE Hobe its prE 6Er tefl to tY.E Hoc rd the <br />Rue 6ti on cf t?<E C~:nty c~;.r.1.^.t a^c oi~`-'acing a rock c: usher, a'_sr, the po=_e1'e!1_t, <br />of reef=ag a rock cru sYer the GOU^ty die not tuY. Dr Co111er Cobb, u~Em ber <br />the n'osrd. teing faaLiar v:'_th all ii nee Df ro.=.d t:; tr ucti ca cbrec3 tD n: :° <br />.., thoroagr. 1n vE Sti _at icn a= to pure:^.as= ccst army tl;e r6nLai cost c` a msah- <br />Srs aad. rc pDrt at e. ~,. next rs mEe ti^:c, <br />On ;bo~lDn it ,.< ::e re by ordered LY.zt Jo=, Hroo:a oe p=.Sd ~.L cr_, icr a roots <br />is l1E3 by dog_ !n Januer 19k1, .:E sE.TE being ii sled. for 1; ~i ta:.__. <br />A pe t!tLcn tc ".-:E Stag. H' 's'ap Cormiss!or. to t=.:,e over and ma!ntein a r:: e: <br />Ln LSt _N 3.:v=r Toe:n ^ip, ru::nir__ ,rom tl':e far_; of ~iDhr. lYlis c::. to t:e ac-r <br />^aac. Ez.r HarvEY Gat=:~ ierm, is :_, reby approved ar3 or dE rsd sEnt ~., t'.v=,~H iz)'.vay <br />:,Dmm!sion. <br />Cn HDt!cn o° Comm~i ssio.aer CDt~b, dale sECOnied by Coaticsioner 7:Lis o^ z::d <br />una;ir:out-1y passed _ ie: Eby ordErsd tY_.t thg Solar'. __ _° ltarerir et L_ affEy <br />_?Y Ln _ Cour.'y ACC CUnton*. ar.d ^~.. Crliectors u:firc Cann Ce_r Diyn HuY.Ey <br />Assistant .ia,i=*-~~ D° Hsed6, eE ±nerea6E3 7?n Doil.ars p=_r month, to July 1, as <br />A read pEtltlcn to the ° 31zhvEy Corsri 66!cr. tc Lais ever ° na«..^.tain <br />a road appr 0)apa tE iy Ta:O f[ ;=..1f yi0!i'_6 In Gh EenF TC"::^f.~:!p, GE g1 r~^iLgr•LC1 a p0. <br />Sr. th°_ O+(~. (:E CSnZ~-Ta`uE u:111 npad anv rG']R1R:. 1^ a~OlltI:E36tE7^ d1rE Ct1G^ V_fi t~^ <br />fern of H, F, .`.lson, r.. A, pJiisen, J.. Si. A. JObE, Y!„ G, Squ_rE S, idre, J. Y:. <br />^!i;omp eon and rs. S-:m Nelson cn t'ne Hebsom-Church-- ~revEily HSli read;, s herE- <br />by approved a.^.d SEli ve rep tp O~m pis eSonEr 7111 eon, :•;:,o :-!11 reprE SSCt t.... pEt!- <br />tic.^. bEfcrE the Sta.tE F.'_gh~'. afi Hoare, <br />e:.E Aanuai rEpert A, ':ti. is=.,:'cn, C. S. C., x~a6 pre ser.ts d, =, ra.-.inec and <br />.s scre'r;? app.rovEC. a.:d ,.: de rr:c filed ~n Sp~E C'. zl .~.Eport nce± it D, L, <br />Cae= Hyar s, Goun'.;; HD ~~. Demcn6trat+cn Agent, 91bm!tted e. .•.:'.i eport . <br />~ or. <br />' <br />Jec Ember, 1,?k^ sod Ssruzry, 1jL1, +i tk ar. ezpe ns_ ace ~UCt both moat:=_ <br />r 0'1 <br />31? ?~. Report is hen=. by e_;p rD Ved acd the account c: dEre E. pair. ~ <br />:ap, Cam t' Hoc oan0e.^.t suta,ltt=.~ as itenlt=c Huc get report D: e1 i <br />apprDpr_ati ons and the amount6 °- and unused by e&c^: D=cart;aent as oT <br />February 1, 1 ~1, Report approvefi ¢nd. ordered file r_, <br />Cori C. Dav1= Ora r.~e Count; Tax Go Zlec tar, su~rm!tted a report of 'i1 <br />i16iF,d tE>:E6 fD~ lil4y, aL 4f Feb. - 1~iP L1~~, _~-y..lE <br />:'Sth COliE Ctipn c, rEiEaEE6 a1d .':16CCUn t2 Of lO~r iJ2-i~ <br />LEaf!r,g an '1nCC11e CtEd^CE 66 Of F°_Orpe3`,T 1, 19h1 Of i7,!'1~'!3 <br />REp Crt appr0'JEd anG Crd Erg P, i11ed, <br />~, A, JOhri60n, Grsnce Oounty Fond ~1 ^Sing fond. GC0.i:le E io nor Ellbmi ttP. d. t..^.e <br />"cllovdnr rEpcrt; wh; _''! is herE C3' ar{:roved, orfle rEd enter=_d. Sn the :n'.nctes c_ <br />this mEetir.g and rEport ftie3 Sn •~crt Hook t:D. Z, REpDrt do-;vit: <br />Report of Asset= Sr, Gre.ngE Cruntg~ do¢d SSnk in, -'. s_ o; Dec. ,1=_t., <br />' 1-, C.." <br />br.CS Pbii <br />n <br />0~ DDndE Of Lhi6 1661? AD~r CJG, UJ <br />2 DD:•dE Of LEE GOuntK N, G, :5 :1, ~"j 1,G ~f <br />j•-~ <br /> _ <br />p Lla lneton N. C, ° OL0.00 <br />g Gastca.a I' <br />~ <br />~ j,oC0.o0 <br />^ Rs s!ste red <br />N. C, <br />Hone 1, Of,0, CO <br />i " Oxford, li. 1, U:~C.7D <br />10 L'. S, Oov., Set;. Hood=_ to to v.crth ,$i ~, OCO. GO Sn i0 y.•=_, 7. jC0. CG <br />;. Hood Pilch Squsr=, h, C. 1, OGG.OS <br />4 Gr¢nge County Jail HOndE ':,'JCO.00 <br />1 HillsbGSU TOR'n 6':i 17 HChCCi DOnd 1, ~~.G. J1 <br />2 Cho rryvliiE ti- C., Schc Dl v^_s. HDSCg c, Gv0. ;0 <br />~ Chc.thar. GOln ty Hcnds 7, GCC 00 <br /> <br />Total Hoods ~=?,,SCG,Gb <br />Reel Setae 0'::r:Ed (All rer tedi l$'-l, OjG, Cv} 1;,0,0 „5 <br />NotEE rie cEi~eble (Sc.tsrEa current or, ellj -, 1_~,OC <br />Cosh ii`•~( <br />~.~~ <br />_ , <br />- _r .i -.. ,.,._, ~. .. <br />~e 6p6B ._._..; 6..,.,. _.. wc. <br />