<br />MONDAY, JANUARY 6th., 141.
<br />The Board met at the usual Hour pre Bent Comm iseloner e, J, Ed Lnws,
<br />Chairman, Ben F, V711e on and Collier Cobb, Jr.. The minutes of the
<br />Deoember meetingwe re read and approved.
<br />A Road petition Pram CS ti zees of Cheeks Township to the State Highway
<br />Conimia sloe to widen out and put in a better passable condi tl on the road
<br />le adirg Yrom DSmmvoks old }till to the Orange Grave Road at the Cross Roads
<br />Church, Se hereby approved and ordered sent to the State Highway Comm is ei on.,
<br />asking that they S.nvee ti gets ae early ae possible.
<br />On Motion a Free license granted to E. W. Neville of Chapel Hill, N. C.,
<br />to Peddle small RareE in Orange County in 1940 Sa hereby extended one ,year
<br />Prom date.
<br />J. H. McAdams, Supt. of the County Homereported three white inmates and
<br />Four colored inmate e, one haul rg died in Decevbe r.
<br />Joe Howard submitted a report for the Terraclrg Machine for December,
<br />showing 11.5 acres terracing during December, Feet oP Terraoe 'v~ilt 45,050-
<br />Farme road worked 3
<br />Charged Por work $259.25
<br />Other work done 2 hrs.
<br />Collected on work and acoounte 245.82
<br />PeSd for labor 103.1
<br />Paid for fuel and supplies 28.9 x132
<br />Cash on Y.and X222.16
<br />Uaoolle ated Bills $1407.53
<br />Due on note S35oo.oD
<br />L.. C. Burt Colored Ferm Agent su'vmi tted an Sllu st rated Annual Report,
<br />the same is hereby higY,ly commended and ordered filed with the proper reports
<br />G. N, Ray, County Accountant eubmltted a detailed Budeet Aeport, showing
<br />the appropriet lone for each department, the amounts used, and balance nn used
<br />as of Sanvary 1st., 1941.
<br />Carl C, Dav1 E, Orange County Tax Colleotor eubmltted s report showing a
<br />tctal levy of taxes fcr 1540 as of January 1st., 1941, to be $160,730.1,2 '
<br />with oollecti ono releases and discounts to hate oY „67,547.85; leaving an;
<br />uneoll ec tad Balance as of January 1st, 1941 of $93,029.30.
<br />On Motion of Commlesl ~~er Cobb duly seconded by Comn ies loner WS Leon and
<br />unanimously passed it Se hereby ordered that the accounts of Walker Funeral
<br />Home for part Burisl axes noes of Mre. Watkins and Mr. Riley be denied; as the
<br />County only furnishes the County Casket, which each c¢n be had.
<br />On motion the aocount of Welke ra Funeral Home Por $9.50 for casket for
<br />Mutt Wombles' child be paid due to the feat that County did. not have a County
<br />Casket.
<br />Mies Byars, Orange County Home Demon stret ion Avant submitted a detailed
<br />report with an illustrated report which is highly commended and ordered filed
<br />with the proper reports.
<br />W. T, Mattox, Orange County Welfare Superintendent made a detailed re por
<br />of ell conditi one of the work wl th the names of all deaths all admix aSOns and
<br />all re .)e ctme nts for aid, Report approved and certlflcetee ordered filed.
<br />The Federal Works Agency, Federal Works Progress Adml nl strati on District
<br />No. 2, Durham, North Carolina, aubmi tted an Annual report the same Se hereby
<br />ordered filed vrith the proper reports.
<br />WHEREAS, K. W. Parham, Certified Public Accountant, has made an audit of
<br />the report of Cerl C. Devi s, Tax Collector, for the tax levy covering year 19:
<br />and has the report of the said Carl C, Davie to be oorre et, and it hoe been
<br />ordered that the uncollected taxes for the year 1939 be, and the same have
<br />been, withdrawn from the ssld Carl C, Devi s, Tax Collector, and turned over t.
<br />GS lbe rt W, Ray, County Accountant, Yor the Surther collection of said delin-
<br />quent tare e; this action having been taken on the PS rat Monday in October, 1~,
<br />N0V1, THEP.EFOAE, upon motion of Comm isel over Wilson, duly se Doodad by
<br />Commissioner Cobb, and unanimously adopted, it is ordered that the said Carl ~
<br />Davie, Tax Collector oP Orange County, be and he is hereby relieved and dis-
<br />charged of any further re sponslbility for the collection of the unpaid taxes
<br />as shown by the report and audit of 1939 taxes.
<br />(COT:T INifED )
<br />