Orange County NC Website
~.:-~3~a <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />APRIL 23, 1979 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on _.. <br />Monday, April 23, 1979, at 7:30 p.m., in the Superior Court Room, of the <br />Orange County Courthouse, in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners present: Commissioner Richard Whitted, Chairman, <br />and Commissioners Anne Barnes, Norman Walker, Norman Gustaveson and <br />Don Willhoit. <br />Agenda Item 1: Public Hearing with Members of the <br />pe artment of Trans ortation to <br />Discuss 5econdarg Road Plans <br />Mr. Flemming, North Carolina Department of Transportation, gave a brief <br />explanation of bond allocation and county plan allocation. Mr. Flemming <br />introduced other officials from the Department of Transportation: Ms. Helen <br />Little, Mr. Hoover, Mr. Sam Jones and Mr. John Watkins. <br />Mr. Watkins gave a report of last years program and the secondary road <br />rating program for 1979. <br />Mr. Sam Jones submitted ca pies of proposed 1979-80 secondary road <br />improvement program and Orange County's 1979 point system to members of <br />the Board of Commissioners. For copy of these documents, see page 357 of <br />this book. <br />Mr. Rufus Pateat and two unidentified individuals expressed their desire <br />to see 5R 1360 paved as soon as possible and questioned the priority rating <br />system. <br />Ptr. Jerry M. Smith and an unidentified individual expressed their desire <br />to see SR 1538 paved as soon as possible. An unidentified individual questioned <br />when the last traffic count was taken on SR 1538 <br />Mr. Kent Mann asked what position SR 1137 held on the priority list. <br />An unidentified individual asked what determines priority ratings. An un- <br />identified individual asked if the State were responsible for setting the <br />priorities. An unidentified individual asked when the traffic counts were <br />taken on SR 1137. Three unidentified individuals expressed their dissatisfaction <br />with SR 1137's priority number. An unidentified individual questioned the <br />impact of school bus traffic on the rating of SR 1137. A Mrs. Thompson <br />requested better road maintenance by the State of SR 1137. <br />