Orange County NC Website
z _~ . <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FEBRUARY 23, 1979 <br />The Orange County Board of Corranissioners met i'n special session <br />on Friday, February 23, 1979, at 4:00 p.m., at the Lincoln Center, <br />in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />Commissioners;present: Mr. Richard Whined, Chairman; Mr. Norman <br />Walker, Mr. Norman Gustaveson, Ms. Anne Barnes and Mr. Don I+Iillhoit. <br />The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a capital improvements <br />plan with members of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro and Orange County Boards <br />of Education. <br />Members present from Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board: <br />Mrs. Phyllis Sockwell, Chairperson, Mr. Jim Riddle, Mr. Bi11 Strickland, <br />Mrs. Marge Wi11, Dr. Robert Hanes, Superintendent of Chapel Hi1l;~Carrboro <br />Schools, and Dr. Charles Rivers. <br />Members present from Orange County Schoal Board; Mr. Oscar Compton, <br />Chairman, Mr. Max Kennedy, Mr. ,lames Ray Freeland, Mr. Johnny Walker, <br />Mr. Norrnan Haithcock, Mr. Ken Collins, Mr. Mike Simmons, Superintendent, <br />Mr. Dan Lunsford, Assistant Superintendent and Mr. Tom Rickman, Finance Director. <br />Mrs. Sockwell opened the meeting with introductions. <br />Commissioner Norman Gustaveson said the Board of Commissioners needed <br />to consider immediate and long-range needs and wishes of both school systems <br />in planning the budget and wanted to consider a systematic approach of <br />planning for capital outlay needs. <br />Chairman Whitted asked the Finance Director to explain the <br />capital improvements program planning process. <br />The Finance Director presented each of the persons present with a <br />document outlining the capital improvements program planning process and <br />gave a brief explanation of the planning process. For copy of this <br />document, see page 218 of this book. <br />Commissioner Whined explained the financial status of the county <br />since the last joint meeting on capital funds with the school boards. <br />