Orange County NC Website
`u' <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />JANUARY 17, 1979 <br />The Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Wednesday, <br />January 17, 1979, at 6:00 p.m., in the Commissioners'Room of the Courthouse„ <br />in Hillsborough, North Carolina. l[[[ <br />Members present: Commissioners Richard Whitted, Norman Walker, <br />y <br />Norman Gustaveson, bon Wi1lhoit and Anne Barnes. - -~ <br />_.. _.-_-_•-- ---.__._-----Agenda Item 4:_~_-~.-..~...-- Amendments to_Orange_ Count~Subdivisian ----..---_ <br />Ordinance <br />-- . -..... - - .. - - ..r- .- • -~ -- <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved the proposed Section I-p,"Purpose, ~_- <br />Authority, Jurisdiction; on page 1, be disapproved. Motion died for <br />lack of a second. - . <br />Commissioner Wi1lhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner 4lalker, to adopt <br />the Planning Board's recommendation, as amended by the Planning Staff,. on <br />page 1, to include a new section which reads as follows: <br />Private Property Rights: This Ordinance, all material included herein <br />by reference and ail material used for the administrat' <br />ion of this Ordinance, <br />do not take any property, property right nor property use nor convert any of <br />these to public use except by due process of law. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Gommissioner Walker; to adapt <br />the Planning Board's recorrunendation to amend page 2, Section II, "Definitions", <br />as follows: <br />1) Amend the definition of easement to read: A grant of rights by <br />the property owner .to a portion of land for a specified purpose. <br />2) Add the definition of Minor Subdivision to pale 2, Section II, <br />"pefinitions". <br />- Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to <br />adopt the Planning Board's recommendation, as amended by the Planning Staff, <br />- on page 4, "procedure for Plat Approval", as follows: ~... <br />Section III-A-1. Subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, no <br />land within Drange County shall be subdivided, or resubdivided and offered <br />for sale, gift, exchange or in any other way conveyed until a plat thereof has <br />been approved as herein provided. No plat shall be recorded by the Orange <br />County Register of Deeds until this approval is entered in writing on the <br />face of the plat as herein provided. <br />