Minutes - 19790102
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19790102
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al ~~ 1 <br />!•1I NUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BDARD OF COP141ISSIDNERS <br />JANUARY 2, 1979 <br />r <br />i <br />4 <br />y <br />i <br /> <br />The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session an Tuesday, <br />January 2, 1979, at 10:00 a.m., in the Commissioners' Room of the Courthouse, in <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members present: Commissioners Richard 4lhitted, Norman Gustaveson, <br />Donald Willhoit, Anne Barnes and Norman Walker. <br />ti <br />Commissioner 1•lhitted opened the meeting by asking if any Board member or <br />person in the audience wished to add additional items to the ailenda. The following <br />items were added to the agenda: - - <br />Agenda Ttem 21: Announcements of Upcoming Events <br />Agenda Item 22:. NACO Conference in Chicago for County Attorney <br />Agenda Item 23: Special Lenislation <br />Agenda Item 24: Developmental Disabilities - DDL Contract <br />Agenda Item 25: Erosion Control Discussion <br />Agenda Item 2: Minutes of December 4, 1978 <br />The Clerk is requested to check the minutes against the tape~af the December 4th <br />meeting and resubmit the minutes to the Board at the next Board meetinc!. <br />Agenda Item 3: Petition Re uestin hlaminn of County P,oads <br />"•1r. John Kennedy submitted a petition requesting the Commissioners authorize <br />the Planning Department study and implement a road naming and posting procedure. <br />h1r. Kennedy said Alamance County had implemented the program one year at a time <br />by fire districts and had costs figures available. He said suoalies were purchased <br />from the prison enterprises. <br />Deputy Sheriff David Hughes said the naming and posting of ali streets would <br />certainly cut response times of fire, rescue and law enforcement agencies. <br />The Planning Director said one-half of the A1amance County project <br />was X45,000, but he did not have a projected cost estimate for implementing this <br />program in Orange County. <br />Commissioner l~lillhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to appoint a <br />task force composed of individuals from the El15 Council, Sheriff's Department, <br />Fire Departments, Planning Department and P1anager's Staff and concerned citizens <br />tc~ achieve the following goals: 1) Develop a list of locally accepted names; <br />2) Develop a list of priorities in terms of major road; 3) Look at subdivision <br />ordinance to review how far out subdividers are required to name subdivisions. <br />
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