<br />.__.::, ~s o= :-- =o?_>a Gs x'a.is>lGS~-~s oa e=,,arc~ clv_^~r>
<br />'Od:Q~_fTJ.~ti~ ist 1930
<br />i
<br />l e ao rd t at e u ~ :o. , Co e~ or s,J ~:, tea' s ~ of S n'c;.~ .,
<br />'s ~ T ~ 1 0 1_ &~ s 0 tl JUne F 11 ,y ~~ C Ead and. ]S C:
<br />;n ~oaon o3 0~:::_.:..:.. ~li .son _.. o.:.,_~ n~ Co y, __ .er Cobb, a ~e _ to .le
<br />cte he;ay Commission to tai:P O. er and .^.3i^. ai eFca s;^.ort ^oad. in ~=.3ivas ^orn*-
<br />:+.in is hereby a~pr ov ed, :.nd orde==_d sent tc tl?e Locz ti no -s:~!nser at ~__=nsboro~
<br />E.C I
<br />n delegation of Ci' oe.^s a ~'sexred 'no4crs ti:e 3o:.rd _:: _ega=d t~ t11e location
<br />Sta righray ;'c.30 zad sc 2:ed th=: -:riles 3as here as von z Yuil Boa.d 5rTM-s
<br />.a at~the meeting he44_8 in rill sboro, text te;e Ci ti gene ••': elt that in juti c3 to the'
<br />el'rss, and the mar.1' ?eonl°- obj ectin_ to the c'rsnge in the said r'; ghc:ay, tl:=_
<br />3oard o_' Cnmmi 33i C:lEre ':'23 x l:ed t0 rPOll e9t th2 ~ '? riy-clay CoG:m13310n t0 gr3Ja
<br />nearing 'C}' ' 'llll bo.:rd, there ore 0]L lIlati On o'n+CCL"1JS iUil a_r 70bb ai]d. dU':~
<br />sc-e o:;cad by Co^cie0i n::Pr :iilsoil the zoll ~::ing resol..., ..., __ i:ereby xdop;ed to- t:
<br />:-lc-r ens at the reef ilxg Sn lEi 1'_sbore, ~by n:rt o`_ the Stete _a-l -~-v
<br />_..,, 1. ~~ t oard,
<br />._ci ded to r ate) 7o as sure eyd, ::d crrer ens so *_. Citiae;ls -;. csP sai3
<br />rou ti.=.g i:e State ~fii ~^.ay 3o a!'3 .=reby url=d touerart to theVFillsbo^o,~e-
<br />'ic::ers 2r. ocher =ea^i.^.~ on the sai dGnreject at r:P:i ch ms=t>ag cll m_rioers of t'ne
<br />3tc ~_. _„ ':ay 3card `urave3=_d to be :res sni, :.._y u:e ,etitioners ray '.zve a
<br />_3ir he=sing.
<br />_. C.3 u. t, co_or ed __rm -_ .~ e.. ~..,, :.ed ~ dez ti l=_d .eport or .4:ril ~s:aY end
<br />.~urP ,ao'.,ins all r:crh dcne 6y -:im, sate ., ..__eby ap_rove5.,
<br />^_he ._11 o::iag aglicatidxs to retail been r.ere a.,-:.: rcv ed, t;.-~+i t:
<br />!h:i^°T=; ty '~=ta::rnat.___.,__-_____Chanel rill>1Q.C stiuj ect to Luni ~'-:nal a
<br />.lyde Scott _________..__,,. a:cl __11.1:. C, .r .. n u n
<br />Pss J.R Gc oc ~. Cafe -____.. _.. __.._C'aanel r.ill,1.G. ,n .r n :: n
<br />..it ile .eu Ca,e( _il:er,--_...__ _____om~o, ;~ C.,
<br />,.e>,3=='_,lis('rili sboro Ca>e)____,._r, 11 sboro E.C., g n n u
<br />_ii:lt ocl: 3i1:' ing Stat io;::-ryoy1~ ::/yc7e1 °x311 Rt li0 i
<br />. i)essr:. SPr-icz S~ ~i on_ ._____bo:o '.t 2 -
<br />I,C.Hroz due'.1_ ;h:rl±-c 3± :_
<br />.ej PC tea
<br />%ilxTli' Fong- :ills ba ro ...=jJ
<br />1 2C!'(_°_ R ~_6'(:'r is ,C•n_rel rill pl'!
<br />Lj 33 3y3=9 rom8 _PSOas t_TatiCn Cent gave a illll aad de tail°_d reUOrt o_
<br />all Scne act:viti es, :epp rt a_s,: rovc3 and accts, o_3er e3 Paid 315 GG for ste::-
<br />o_ra _:: ~'~ as21 Stun C2.
<br />On notion ci Cc ~'.r.CObb it i3 '.let eby or de_T Pd that 1; ,R i 31ac_'~%e cd 'oe laid
<br />;24.0:1 :ox si:c s1P_u ::ill ed -03' do_s ..Did shPP~p ~rg listen for 1930 taxes at
<br />B,OC' each
<br />.R =~~::o ;.~w..ty ?'PL a_e Su_;er irteildent submitted a tentative 3u3,Cet i9€C-
<br />I94J-, _.,r C mr.ty F.oma, raid all ot!:er '-QIi eY 30Ul CPS, "c xme is a~nr oved and
<br />ordersd `_iled Ebr ;i nel 2do7ti^^.
<br />',!i?~,y Covuty a:: ountant sube;i teed a ier.taiive nudget ?or all sour:es I950
<br />19..:~- sa:::e ';ras car=_:"ally e::a::a ned and order sd:iled for ;'u2~ r ecrsi 3erati on
<br />and a3cpti on. Said r.e ~O~n ta6t al so s~'sri tted a detail retort o:° I93?-i93C_y.;ro-
<br />_riation3 ?or all de nxr tmert3 t'.:>_ ~rou:as us Pd and amounts unused as o° Suns 5G
<br />:940 'ooth renort annx cued =_::+i orderdd riled. 3udget a punting tc v7 S. 655,14
<br />Jm:.S _ataeson :%lunty =arm Age ~ discussed varipus ~roj :~cts b'.a made no
<br />d: tail ed retort
<br />.ice Eo:varl submitted a t___a ce re?ort sl~ocang all conk do:[l. an3 all toll ec_
<br />ti ons z::d zm vents cl=.rmed :eucrt a :.o-ed aad. crdered..fil ed
<br />
<br />