a r
<br />' -rTm^~c n^ ^r~^ ana n nF ^r^^ rrFaa •~ a7;BGy-June.-3--T ^
<br />_. _- i
<br />The Hoard met at the usual hour pi•=seat Commies lonera.J.Hd,Law s,Ben F,f{ikon and,
<br />Cof ii er Cobt,Jr,The minutes cf the last meeting eiere read and approved.
<br />Toe Howard submitted Terxac$ng report £or IIay-Sh on ir. g that during the 1l oath of Hay,he had -'
<br />chargdd£or Terra slag ne rk,P 465,°5,-col lest ed,;3539,29, paid on Note for lidehine ;'I500.00 had
<br />a balance oa hand on.I49,I5 and unc cll°.cted Hills of 3y 40.96,Report app ~'bved and lords rd~f3l ed j i
<br />A Road petition fora 3oad is Cheeks Township leading from near Soh n Hillere t~ the H1 gh
<br />Sock Road is hereby ap moved and ordered sent to the State Leca ti ng Engi near
<br />A Road petition fox a„ road leading from theL;ebane -Lebanon RAad to Stat efii~hc+ay 2io I03 is hereby
<br />approved and order sa:~ to the State Locating Engineer, ~
<br />Tho l:iatt er of a Libxav'+Truck woo di scusa ed by several cl ti seas and the matter was takfen under
<br />advisement for future canal de rati on,
<br />Lr Evans and others aepea reu befcre ~a Hoard in regard to an outlet P.oad leadin £r om Er EYans'
<br />icme,runn ing aoro Qe or along the lines of Lrs+Joha L'•ebane,Sentelle and otY,ers.As there seems
<br />to ba some dl saute about the line he Hoard suggested that Lr.Evana have the County surveyor
<br />J,Ral nh tYeaver run the line and th~ Cte rk to the Bevea'd was asked to no ti £iy him ~to be oa hand
<br />on the following Saturday at IL O,ol ock at which time all interns tad parti es ;ar~ supposed to be
<br />present and au rvey the di spurt ed line,
<br />Lass Hyara Home ~moas tration Agent submitted a detail repprt oY fiome Eco. nomie work in the
<br />C cunty report of Curt i-`arL•et Sales, and all activities with an account of-az.8117£or materials
<br />,s ed aid $I5.00 for Stenographic Clork.Renort is hereby approved abd accts order.q paid.
<br />Che fall oi'+iag applications to retail beer ovtsi deaf incorporated Towns .were anpraved,to-wit:
<br />Flint fiamlin-•.--•~------Roughement.N. C----Hen Roae Stror+d I939& I9°-O- Ohapel Hi11,N.C
<br />Sack Yeatts Cedar Grove, N.C--_H.J Cates .lest fiillsboro ,l7,
<br />E,G Lewitt CY,ap el Hill ,li,C --DL iicBane Lebane~7,C Rt 2
<br />John: :F,Williams Hillsboro Rt,4 -=Fal rvi ew Tavern Hil sbo ro ,R,F.D
<br />E.Y Crockett Durham R,D.D --B,B LeL endan Chanel ~H11I,Rt 4
<br />Rufus H Hlabkley HSllsboro No 4--Lre T,D Griffin Durham R,F D ~~I
<br />l'1,E Harry tiebane R,F,D -- D L El kips Hil ljsboro
<br />lirs ii,L 0"Naval Durham R,5'.D No I ~ -
<br />Out of Incorporated Town apnli cations refused
<br />Lewis Daniel F.il lsboro No 2_ R,J Vincent- Sebane Rt 2
<br />The £oll ow lag ao;;l ica tiore were a,nrov ed: subject to the approval of the 17unioipal
<br />av ttori ti es, to-wit:-
<br />June C Lerri tt.._-__Carboro,N.C------ii,C Ivey Carb lro,N.C
<br />Harry Lacltl in Chanel fiill >N.~-~-T .B Creal Chanel Eill >N.C
<br />HIod e'8 Bark et Chapel Hill ,N,C---J sff Thomas Chapel Hill ,Si,C
<br />Col ledge Sandwich Shop Ci:apel Hill ,N,C---T,L Sutton Chapel Hii1,N,C
<br />Other Dealers in Chanel ffill and HilISboro had been previ cu sly ap- roved
<br />T.H LeAdams Superi nter dent of the County F.cme reported I3 Inmates sia white
<br />and seven ccl ared,
<br />1940- 1942- Eetima tee for "AID TO DE_~H)EF'T CHILDREN- ORANGE COSTI;TY
<br />I- I940 Listed Property Valvati on estimated at -___________~^24.BOC; .00(.JO
<br />2-Estimated Number o$ Chi~cmen under i6 years ell gable
<br />fox aesi stance iaoi using hone =?ow rece141nE~ aid 245
<br />3 -Average monthlj< grant pea child ~ a5, 98
<br />4- Total amount necessary icr a.1d to den endeat Children -..-___-_-___-,"pI 7.600.00
<br />5-Amount to be race ed by 6vaty (I/4 of item 4) i4,?00.00
<br />6- Tax rate required (per u'Z00,00 Valuation) ~ .035
<br />7_ Estimated unexpended Sal ante I939-2950 Levy ~ 5300,00
<br />Date~T ae 4th 2940 Signed- J.E Laws- f:hairman
<br />Hen. B.'F11 son
<br />. Signed. Collier Cobb.Jr
<br />~~ ~,,.~
<br />ier to off arm'
<br />Original to State Board of Allotmerim end Appeal
<br />Duplicate to County Y7elfare Doard
<br />Tri uiczte for File Board Commissi on era
<br />Coatinued-
<br />