<br />_"iJ'i~,~ 0~ Tr" 304RD OF COLSiSSi OLDS On^ QRr'2GS CGliri P.YG!'ip.Y
<br />
<br />The Board met at the usual hour present dmai ssionsrs, T;s,d ,Lai'+s, ColiieT_ Cob'c. T:
<br />2nd3.Ppilson. '"_^_e minutes o£ the regular Aril meeting, and the called meeti rg
<br />cn P.pxil 23rd sere read and apnrovad.
<br />A GT OllD o£ colored Citizens appeared before the Board in the interea o£ an-
<br />nointing a Colored Home Demonstration Agerq t're Hoard agreed to take the matte:
<br />under aivis em ent,
<br />Gn mo ti m? it is i?ereby ordered. that t'ce Oi`_er o£ A,VI Di ron,to pay the County --
<br />aiS,GG for ta.:es due on 5 acres of land in Cheeks Tor+rshin Z,i sted at one time
<br />by L.E iicAcams and t.*.e C@unty Account ent is hereby ordered to have a :;,vit-Clair
<br />deed nrenar sd for the cam=,
<br />A 'eti tion from Citizens of Hillsboro T:n~n shit' to the State ci gY.r;ay Commission
<br />to open and aai rta ir. a short road ap_~oximately 200 }a rds on the ilo rth side of
<br />the _=a:i lr:ay 'Nest of the Den et ,to eliminate the da-.Ear cf crossing th~_ ra it cay
<br />is hereby api:roved.
<br />C w:ay tteifare Sunt,a.^_,ia tt e.^ made a full reucnt e£ all of the r:o rk during
<br />tip=. month of l:arcl: xti lh navy sv gL_estions ae to the £u to re t'+onl: ,
<br />9 petition to the State H-i glr'~to .maintain a short Toad of approxitra tsly one-
<br />ii:£th o{ a ri?e, connecting t2f2 iason :arm, with the i; c,:ntry Club se cti or.,
<br />is l;er eby approved and ordered seht to Ells T..A Burton io ca ti ng ~rgi he er.
<br />Or. mo lien o{ 'Cow+ai ssioaer Cob7iidu ly seconded 'oy Comnisri 'Cli ison,it is unan
<br />it ou sly ordered that Charlie am pes a colored Semaie be placed on the Dutsi do
<br />P car list for the time being at :;;10,00 Her month.
<br />P rof, Bror;n, rs ,Loo?ia*_t ,and Dr .R cberts appear ed -ne£cre the 3oard in the inter
<br />est of nand Leader for C:unty Sc}.o cls ,r ee ve st ta':ea under advisement,
<br />On aotion it ie hereby ~ d=red that Leroy Hall 'oe paid 376 OC for II sheen,?
<br />lambs,and 7 Goats filled by dogs
<br />G,d Ray County Acccuntaht submitted a full Budget report ?~+i th aarunts used by
<br />Hach Io partment as o£ April 50th i95G ,4eport api;r oved and ordered £il ed.
<br />Carl C,Davis Orange County Tex Col]ectEr report an unccll ected balance due on,
<br />2939 ta::es as o£ Aprii 50th I95C o{w S6,I02.83 ,
<br />the ~
<br />^_he {cllora ng names c:ere drav.n tc serve as Turdrs at ~~ Tune Criminal le nn
<br />c{ Grange ,SV perior Court i:~hi ch convenes onday Tune TOtI. to-wit:
<br />i--„ilii am A F.arrie L.R--..--I6--1?.i! Ray Jr. L.R
<br />2--`ailliam i=c::ee C,G-----19-•tl,H S_narr ov: C,F
<br />S--S,A "i:hitfi eld 3i nE--_.._iE--G eo.T '~~al ker L.R
<br />~--le ,L7 RY,odes Bno ---..L9--L.R Sturd3 vant C.H
<br />5-=;: .D Edson Cheeks _.._20--Clyde Carrell C,H
<br />S--J,T ferry i~ --_2I_..Tno.H Auple Bing.
<br />7--La SY Durham Lno____2g__Alea J srec land C,H
<br />B--C ,A Copae C,G --••23--1',R L Bl aclavo od C,G
<br />9-.-J,L Po cl Cheeks-••-2~--T,li Riley C,G
<br />[0--a .'i1,Dur1aN>TS,. C,fi----25--C,T, Roberts C,G
<br />:I--Charlie Par'rer 5,8----26--i ,i 3o ere C,G
<br />:2--H.C Hai thcock 3no----27--inaxion P. Ll oyd Bing,
<br />CS--Ralph G, CO;.el and Sing----28--Hight L".Perry Bing
<br />~e__P,H Roberson L.R----29--Dec Rourdtree C,G
<br />:5--ii.R. L'c{; i'rt 0.R_-__30--Lacey iieville 0.R
<br />Civil Term which convenes .7vne i7th I540~ the fall e~:ing names ^:ere drag+n
<br />:o -:~i t:
<br />I__B,.C i:i rklaad-»______________ _____C,H-_.._i9-- 3, P. ."."-.lbri Eht_..______ _____Chesls
<br />2--ivan C- Lloyd Birg----20--A.G,C/dson C,G
<br />3--Luther Clayton L,R_-.-2I__ C,17 Hogan C,E
<br />4--P,B Brad s'naw C,E____22__L,7 S'ar aylto xn ino
<br />S--O.L 'fhcmas H,B----23--Gra day Durham 31 ng.
<br />o--C,S Bartlett C,H___-24--Arlendo Smith Biag.
<br />7_-Chas U ivichols i,H___-25--T,G Her ry i.R
<br />B--T oa.t7 Brorm C.H----26--•G eo ,CJ Teer H.B
<br />9--Hd Cf ,ilheel et' n'.B----27--S .R Garrett L.R
<br />:0-=aillie E Clayton ono----28--.,C --ayes C.r:
<br />:I-_ >loyd 33miaisteT C,H----29--T,D Dixon 0.R
<br />:2-_G eo.~/ 3d:':ards Cheeks--50--s .17 Jobe Cheek!
<br />[5--ixrshell E1 cks =no ---3i--Chas A LcDade CheeL:
<br />.~--d ,G 3ogeTS C,G----52--S,T,l+i lliams E.1
<br />:5--7 o1?n G,~7=bb "r',B----55__i Dais =xeeland C,E
<br />i6--sran?: Pratt Che e;cs-~-SC__Tulius A ?age Sr C,H
<br />:"r-=;i.T Sy?:es Cheeks..-55__Pavl IIorton i£l3
<br />Cc--'i llie :lean Bruce _r~~
<br />3isg___3o_.. n:_c;rd C
<br />__srs 'c'i
<br />e bu ei -;e_ o:: ;..:o liar. ad.j Dun?sd ~ T.D3 La'as
<br />~~ _.
<br />