Orange County NC Website
!'i <br /> <br />:-11 Seet~_r c`_ ~1:e Board o` Cocri_si cncrs or. f-ril Jrd. 19?0. <br /> The 3aa rd. :wing fa ii ed tc dean a Jury fcr the Civil ?erm o? Ors rge Super- <br />ior uou_t, 'al:i ca conve nes on kCaY 13, 19?0 ar:3 as pr ovidsd ir. Secti m: 2519 of <br />th=_ 3evised Statutes pxcceeded to d*_arr in tine uress nce of C. &. Tones 3s <br />" q, _ <br />- <br />an d Scctt Just ices o; the .7 <br />Peace--- 9. _ Latta, heri ii 'nd S, <br />~ ~ <br />.5nd r e~.;s- Cler}; to the Board, The 0 1, and <br />iollowin3 names from Jury Box <br />Jur y bei r,_: draivr. by a child and e^ ten years o:` age, to-.u t: _ <br />1. T_. Eenry L1 oid B 19. Jchn Leroy Stith CE <br />2, ti, `T, Brc)m C 20, F. al ter L. Dodson 3 <br />3, G. Ci. Sy;<es C 21. ~. D. F.e stet CE <br />?. C1Yde nc tci:ings CB 22. L', L. i)avis °_3 <br />5. George 5. ellen CE 23, 31:etas C, Crvtcaf fiel d <br />6. Lloyd .filler iR 2?. 9, 7. 3:i :es <br />7. Joan : Si m^~ons C 25, T:^.os. l:;dr =. rrs <br />y 3 <br />S, 3'r ed ?, 31tzd iiB 26, J crden <br />Jsssi e Dno <br />9, J. :lo ody Cates Ld 27. ii, C, 31 g,_s oee Oc <br />10. Clarence 1.:i 11 er L 2&, fi. 0, i.FCC aul ey B <br />11. C. T ~ifleelY CG 29. fir. G. Sparrow U= <br />12. J, ii, Oonnton cH 30. -. A. ensly C'C <br />13. fl. :+. 31v1 ns 'r.B 31. =:ai:_o.:d !. :~dans Cii <br />14 d. 3 '';irigat <br />~ CG 32. 3, i:, Pl Yl er ?- <br />~ <br />13. H. Ciarn cr <br />Scan 3 33. Daces i;. (,rv tcL£i eld C <br />16. Albert :. Sy';ee B 3?. John',- Ea.:'3ns <br />' CG <br />17, '.7, C, iear¢ar CE 35. Durham <br />H. 3 <br />18. J. S. Jen29 ~ 36. ~. _. <: eldali3 .J r, l: <br />i.e eti ng called to order 'cy C.. ire ea J. i's, is e, vho e.~nl ained t7:at the maet- <br />inr_ c;as beir.3 Geld at tae request of citizens o:' tire county and toxrn and the <br />3oard of Al derma.^. cf t'ne tonn cf ::ill e.bcre in tt:e interest o_' tlee pr on cs ed <br />re-rcuieicc e_° Ei ?:'.: a,~ 70 )vaic'n c+culd ta::e traf:ic around t!.e to~ln. r3. D. <br />Sa:y er, Attorn 5y ;cr tae To:vn of "ri Slsbo ro, '::as recognized and stated t3'at <br />t're teen aesn ed t~_ Bo d e you J c.a ssiorers to eou est o t)e State <br />ii;. -a. ma iu arc `icr~ ~-o ri ss cn canal ksarir c). ~ e ma er o= re- <br />routs .~ r.rg:-~•-J 70 in ordcx .:^. t~e a-rn ara local c1 i es ri. aa,e an ~, <br />onportw':i ty to prc `..est the acti cn of t%:e State 'r. _a:ray and Public '.. exke Com- ~ . <br />rci =_si on in re-rou teing said hi_:i)e+ay. <br />0, S. Hobe' is on nr ss er.t e3 a pets ti cn si 5n ed by 745 citizens nrotestir.;; te- <br />routoin cf Y:ce r:i ghcay. <br />S era for J, ;r. timst ee.d of Chapel Hill spo:<e in ocposi tier: to t%;.e n*_onosed ! <br />caarce in ti:e route and sa is ti':at it ;: ould react unfsvorably tc the interest ~, <br />of citizens of tae town cf rillsbe ro and Orange Ccu)ay, State 'ri gRr+ay Com- i <br />missi cn sr, S. i:, Basor., .his: i gh::ay ;.nSineer ;l, 7a°_ce 'raise and District <br />:'>lcay Srg fine er, ism 3urton being pr esert t°rexe reccgri zed but orrered no ~~ <br />cce::er:t s, exc e_nt that l:r. Bason said t_*._ coat of ma3ng ti:e nro,ros ed. caange <br />in .:0 7G :: ould not 'ff ect the ancura to be sn ent on en eral 1ig2:'::ay imp' ov e~- <br />r.e)rts fir. C:rarce County. <br />Ln ro t: nr. c: Commi ssi cn er Cobb, duly seconded by :o:-.cissi crer :il son, tY.e <br />oll ocrinS res club cn r:as unan3mcu sly ad.onted: <br />Scat it 'ras been made to appear tic this 3oa ed `aom P.earirr_ a renre sentativ <br />group o; the citizens o` iZillsboro ord. Orange -;eur, ty, and from nets lions <br />signed by aopro:cimat ely seven au nd red and forty citizens of Oran -e COUray, <br />t%:at tae prorosed cY.a.^.ge fir. location o'_ Sta to 'r.i a%nva;/ %io, i0 trill iasu re to <br />ti:e delri cent of business in erects r)i to in said town o: Eillsboro. <br />Sc ~, to eref cr e, it is actor di r. lY deci deft t: at xecu esi be made to the <br />State L'i gls:ay ar.d Pu'slic ~7io r'9 Comr.:issi cn to all o~': said read to toll oer its <br />present location, and to ?rot est any cha rge in said locati cn trait:^. iaculd re- <br />mcve said 'n.i_:a :~2y free t°:e To-r. of iiillsborc. <br />It is fcr t:^.er '.:ere cy z'equ est=_d ' _ 3tstz "i+_g%: ~aJ ~ Pull is Clo ris <br />Cot issi cn set z aeari r.g at niciea tit.:=_ t'r.s cc's idsra ti'.n o*' tae nronos ed <br />caanres may be had and afford an opportunity to all interested acts ons to aa- <br />gear an3 be heard bsEcre a con~•i flee c'_ the sate Eig:.:ray w Public '•iorks Cots;. <br />mission. <br />Phat a ter tified ecpy c_` t1:3s rescluticn be icmediately foruarded to tl:e <br />e tai ',ran oz _.. State FiEI)~)aY ~ Publ is `. orke ~,orvri ssi on ~t dal e3 g%:, _ .., <br />:Also toot a copy ten eof be sent to the i'=yc*_ of the To::.^. e`. rillsboro. <br />col li ex dob'6, Jr j <br />ltte=_t ~ .:,._cner ' <br />C'o ~cara ' <br />