<br />~~
<br />iv _:bi3S UI"-Ps 30.'t?B Os L'i;i.i,I So ZO17i'SS,
<br />]ionda}• A;: ri l-I St I9S0
<br />i'
<br />The 3oard met at the usual ::^.ovr nr anent Comvissi avers, T.~d i,aca .3,F 'ilSlson
<br />an3 Gol ti er Oob b,Jr, The minutes of the Larch mes ti ng mere read andag_s oved,
<br />On moti cc it ;s hereby ordered that J,;,tlas iendergra ss of Chapel eiil l.Te--r.
<br />a hip be g.pahOECd a pernarent ?c11 Taz '~::empti on C.., e€ecl"eve in I9~11,on ac-
<br />count of being a ;7c rld dar Veteran and nraring ycomperszti or. fcr ?hysical -
<br />disability,
<br />On notion it is m=-r eby ordered that J,l;el vin Pen deg~sg.. o_° Clan el :ill ~-o'aa'!_
<br />si~ip be zra nt ed a refBnd f r Pcll taxes v.~id _938 and i939,en acc vat of error
<br />in li st lag he being -c11 tai: e>:emnt in 1938.
<br />On notion a road peti tl on to the State Fi gh .ay sr_i esioa for the ta_irg
<br />a short road of au:.roxima tel y' over
<br />y maemile beginning/at ?l syd ;a ngs gome ,running
<br />Forth to the rti ech e ad at the Jsesee .:1 ng cl gme :;;ace,be a;.p=c-•ed 2nd
<br />ord>r ci senr to: the o,,ate ~~ .-
<br />=-; g.n:ay Cmcmi ca'cn,
<br />Ca mctien,it i° h e':y crdered t. t a re_'und on a tax valy anon of rTO.GG,
<br />for t::e =_ 1531 and 1932 be grahted to i*e U.B omi th the said lands having
<br />ce en tdrned-bzcl: to '.i .'-! 3r o::n and liste3 'oy him.
<br />J,5 I:c;!3ams Supt,OOU r.ty :Cor„„_ reported that t: ere a e non I4 in!:atzs in ti;e
<br />done, and all being-:ell cares forpreport ap_u oved and ordered filed
<br />'!'re ile ort of the Oran.3e Covrty '1'er:a cing i..achine for tixe mop ti: cf larch is
<br />~vbmi tied s 'a ng `....~ duT_ing tae 1:en th of :.:arch a to ul 1;a* _ of j35.i, 75 ~•as
<br />.;ado and ccllec ti ens=o! 2d6.50, e;i th t tal euera ti n, exp en ses ~of 3297,09. lezv
<br />tng a cash .valance on and of ,,$S97,Oc-u::colt tad ail le of 3iiiI, 3G, ri th a total
<br />calaace o::ing on the ne~n Outfit as cf i;v 31 1st of 55 JU,00, report =_.;.r ov ed and
<br />Ord Bred 3::ed,
<br />I:.C hurt col aced Farm .'~=ant sub~;i 5ted an illus t_'a tec. 3en ort in d.?tail cf all
<br />of i-:is activities the report ccnmended a^.d a•.rcved evil crier s3 'iled ri th .he
<br />iron ex ran orts,
<br />in mo ti cn it ]: er eby cyder eC that the Offer of red ?arl:er to paY the tac:ea
<br />nd all ccste ~-ue on the LaG S!'i pas i,o t,no~: :n:n ed by ; range Cmrty,'oe acre ~a ed
<br />~ and deed ordem~to be c;a d: to Fred 2ar]ser u:ocn recei?t of said nevi=_s
<br />' ;. tc-y =aunty :e ccunt =!!t sub_itted an iten:2ed xenert of all Budget a~-orri-
<br />=tiors .,:i th the am v'urts used by s,~n Jepar tenant as of _r it ist 1940 re:crt'
<br />-.. hereby a:,r?roved.
<br />..a ri .%.Bavis Cx ange . cur,ty Tan 7cl tectex roue rted an uncclleaed 's glance due
<br />en ti:e ~i935 faxes of„t g,~92 32 as cf In ri Dist i540,
<br />On :cot ion it ;s hereby ordered that Ja cl: ::alley be paid the sum of ,~,OC for
<br />on Tux".~cey Ocbbl er iCi fled by dc~sane "r.eing listed '_or to>:es at ,;S.GC.
<br />~.-,
<br />.-: motion it is hereby oruer ed a Heer Iic epee be issued to I 's .L.1: G'l:eal :o
<br />retail Seer at T]:e Sinclair .:!ling Station cn dlate iii gh':gay Ifo 75 ,~ ne:=,r the
<br />Durham Covaty its e.
<br />On motion it is hereby ordered that 5 eri ff 5 T---a tta :r „ 'he ;aid .;6.00 '_c±'
<br />Gnr Oo at and >r, I si:eep iii ll ed bj• Ge gs
<br />-i ss 3yars ::or_e ~esor.str ti on -.goat au bill fled a fwll an:'. data.l ed rip ort of oll
<br />.:arch '.:o rL r'i th an eznen se accovrt for c:a terial of ,;7,3~ and :: eri cal ''.^. elf
<br />cf ;;IS,OC repit a-n-oved a..d not. acc¢vnts or Jere _:a id
<br />i;r. mot3 m: of Uclli er Ccb~:,duly seen vied by Oammi :psi w;er ;il son d unani!y :us
<br />~g adept=_d ~t is hereby ordered that ill ne State Bi rh'asy 3cnde crsssra ed b}•
<br />S.d Johnson lead 3i n2ci ng Fund Commd ssioner.bei ng 3crds lio s, ?.07-2U9-.2II -
<br />262,23-29..36- SI and S1'~ in the amcunt of 31 GOO,GC sa ch be and are hereby can
<br />c sll ed as t: ?rntci pal only.
<br />i.. r,>.T 1[at nx,Gran£e Cbu my Sup, of cV bliw 17elfare subs;; fled a detailed r ~lpnr'.
<br />-1 th the names of all acc euted and all rejected during the i=cnth of :arch al
<br />so all of th= tea tics.a en crt a__-cved and certificates ordcrd filed
<br />_A:ere being nc furl: er bus i:;ees on cation ad„:nrnsd
<br />_ J sd - a`+16 _
<br />i ~,S~~G~~r~~ __ ~ vCi:a i ra~.an` ~.
<br />=. eat: ,n Ben . .ii l::cr
<br />~1 es to 3aord ~o1-rx ..sbt.Js
<br />